what does killua mean

[92] After a heated debate Pakunoda is allowed to take Gon and Killua to Lingon Airport. 3 Answers. [168] Killua scouts Knuckle as he proclaims he is ready to fight with a megaphone, determining he is strong. She trains them to maintain a state of Ren for three hours, which will increase their stamina within battle. Unlike Killua, he is convinced that revenge is no longer Kurapika's objective. [199], Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: In spite of his young age, Killua is an exceptional melee fighter and master of innumerable unarmed combat techniques. [149] He engages Sub in close quarters combat, gauging their respective advantages, and proceeds to test his abilities and equipment. [238] After she awakens, Killua tells her that his friend is sick and wants to make him feel better. [108], Despite their speed, Biscuit manages to keep up with them. He demonstrated this ability by dislocating his shoulders, elbows, wrists, and fingers to free himself from Machi's strings. [122] The peak of Killua's Nen skills are two Nen abilities collectively referred to as Godspeed ((), Kanmuru), both of which use Killua's electric aura to vastly enhance his speed by allowing him to transcend the limits of his physical potential: Whirlwind makes his movements automatic, while Speed of Lightning allows him to remain in control his body. To match all of these impressive intellectual capacities, Killua is also an extremely quick thinker who can adapt to completely unforeseen developments. [171] The Beast Hunter's superiority is clear to all three of them even before they clash. Wing thus forbids Gon from training in Nen for two months. [177], As soon as he returns, Biscuit immediately tells him to spar with her. Alongside Kite's team, Gon and Killua work as biological researchers for one month, finding a great number of new species thanks to their affinity with nature. [145] After five more days, he and Biscuit tell Gon to stop his Emission training since he has made no progress. He has Leorio get it for them and asks Gon how he knew it was a valuable object. Finally, he had to face Biscuit's prophecy when he encountered a Chimera Ant while Gon (who could not use Nen at the time) was not far off and had no way to defend himself. [122] He declines Eta's offer to explain the rules to him again and looks at the cards Gon and Biscuit obtained during his absence. [130] The first discipline is boxing, and the pirate in charge of it defeats Montreux with only Gon, Killua, and Biscuit comprehending how he did it. The difference in experience between assassination and a proper fight initially prevented him from making the most of them,[112] but he soon improved to an astounding degree. Killua is forced on the defensive by her sheer power. Pondering that perhaps she came to him thanks to her clairvoyance, and thus remembers him, he starts to believe she might still be the same. It requires time and patience, and to find meaning within doing the things you love while having to suffer through moments of moments of pain to make the journey more meaningful. Nickes incites them to join him so they can end put an end to the violence of the game. He is also one of the quickest-thinking characters and often analyzes a situation with great ease and accuracy. They start to exchange information by asking one question each, with Gon and Killua explaining they only picked objects that had aura around them, and that Gon wants to get a copy of Greed Island because it might contain clues as to where he can find his father. The three split up, with Sub targeting Killua. [122] He rarely resorts to combos, preferring to land single, critical strikes[42] or to maintain a safe distance from more powerful opponents. Goreinu and Tsezguerra gladly let Gon's team take the original. Gon takes Knuckle on by himself while Killua watches from the sidelines. Instead of dodging, he tries to electrocute him, but Illumi's conditioning causes his body to freeze, allowing Shoot to land a blow on him. [219], Enhanced Strength: Killua has displayed his strength on several occasions. [189], Killua proceeds to take out Neferpitou's puppets and warn the people of East Gorteau that Mig Jol-ik has fallen. Killua makes quick work of his own adversary. Maha Zoldyck (Great-Great-Grandfather)Great-Grandmother (status unknown)Zeno Zoldyck (Grandfather)Grandmother (status unknown)Silva Zoldyck (Father)Kikyo Zoldyck (Mother)Illumi Zoldyck (Older brother)Milluki Zoldyck (Older brother)Alluka Zoldyck (Younger sister)Kalluto Zoldyck (Younger brother). [5] Killua musters up his courage by thinking that Shoot does not know his ability either. He also tried to make friends with Canary, but he never tried to offer her an animal skull. [222] Killua takes Komugi while Palm opens the underground hanger, in an attempt to figure out if Shaiapouf's target is Komugi or Meleoron. He asks Killua if he can kill him, who responds he lacks the power to do so. The three manage to block Razor's spike, then Killua holds up the ball for Gon, promising that if he holds back, he will hear it from him. Multiple players teleport to the group's location, but only to offer them a deal. Being a . He stays at their place for a few days before they transport him to Beeskafmarro. They decide to go to Masadora to get spells. Skateboard: The first time he faced the Hunter Exam, Killua brought a skateboard with him. Killua is shocked to learn that he was a death row convict and that Greed Island takes place in the real world. By facing all manners of trials, over the course of one month they gather 50 specified slot cards in total, among which are "Fledgling CEO", "Doyen's Growth Pills", and "Staff of Judgment". He recommends they respect the rules. He also warns Kurapika that if they get into a fight, as it is likely, the best way to calm and manipulate Biscuit is to flatter her, although he found it so disgusting he never could bring himself to do it.[246]. Biscuit impatiently tells them to use Gyo, which allows them to find the Radio Rat controlling it and turn it into a card. [107] They exchange their cards for money and buy a sketch map of the island. Upon extracting the needle, Killua was freed from this restraint and gained full control of his subconscious to make his own decision whether or not to flee whenever there is a need to fight stronger opponents.[6]. After Killua verifies that the Spiders have put no bounties on their heads, Gon tells him his plan[94] to be hired by Battera as players instead of trying to purchase the game,[96] which Killua estimates to be likely to succeed. He is outraged by Palm's demand that Gon do whatever she says to make up for breaking his promise of taking her to NGL, and even more by her request to be his girlfriend. Menthuthuyoupi pursues him, but Killua escapes thanks to Meleoron's ability. They compete against each other in the finals, where Killua defeats Gon by switching hands at the last second. Initially, Killua is introduced as a character who appears similar to Gon: cheeky, cheerful, and full of mischievous ideas. He almost fails the trial,[21] but passes the amended phase when Chairman Netero intervenes. [11] They meet a fellow fighter, a young boy named Zushi, and his teacher, Wing. She thanked him for the thought, but, due to their different status, she declined his offer to be friends. [13], As a Transmuter, Killua's most efficient in changing the properties and shape of his aura. [224], Minutes later, Palm finds Killua and tells him that Gon and Pitou have reached Peijin. [180], In the morning, Killua and a defeated Gon accompany Knuckle and Shoot to the border with NGL. Illumi states that if Killua can let the two butlers die, he should have no problem letting countless strangers suffer the same fate after he heals Gon, and adds that since Nanika is not a member of the family, it can be used to kill another Zoldyck. [54], The following day Wing introduces his students to Hatsu. After Gon uses Rock to obtain three King White Stag Beetles, Killua suggests monopolizing the card, but they are unable to convert any more. He is the best friend of Gon Freecss and is currently traveling with Alluka Zoldyck. Killua goes first, approaching him with "Rhythm Echo", but dodges all his offenses. He protests when Kurapika gives Gon the job of distracting the Troupe so he can abduct Pakunoda. As a child, Killua's hair is longer, almost cascading to his shoulders. [203] Six seconds before go-time, he senses Gon's cold single-mindedness. [198] Killua and Ikalgo meet up with Gon, Knuckle, Shoot, and Meleoron and revise their strategies for the infiltration. As he ponders how to escape without using Godspeed, which might hurt Alluka, Tsubone reveals herself. The examiner of the First Phase demands all 1489 applicants battle for two hours and bring him five badges. Other recruits are present at the meeting, such as Biscuit, Abengane, and Puhat. [44] Gon and Killua rush to the registration desk, where they do not respond to the clerk's enthusiasm about the prizes. Yet, Hisoka never harms others for fun. Kikyo attempts to stop him, but his glare causes her to desist. [20] He fought Binolt for 10 days straight while keeping his guard up even as he slept. Being a very social person the desire to interact with your environment is strong. Up until the Hunter Exam, he did not hesitate a second to kill, but after meeting Gon, this tendency subsided; still, he is not afraid to resort to extreme means when circumstances demand it. He then asks his son about the Hunter Exam, the people he met, how he felt, and more. When he tried to prevent the Selection, he was so confident in his strength that he claimed that tanks and fighter jets would be useless against him,[191] and in fact, he was able to effortlessly subdue a military unit comprised of at least four tanks. [34] One hour before the deadline, he leaves his hiding spot and reaches the landing site. [169], After about ten days,[170] Gon and Killua succeed in the task. Alluka makes two more requests of Tsubone which are promptly fulfilled, with Tsubone offering to let Killua make a wish and to pay the price with Amane. Killua has an antique dealer appraise their items, which he passes off as property he found in his parents' storehouse. In an age when a child is meant to be playing and living their life, Killua went through harsh assassin training for the honor of his family. Killua cries because he remembers that his own weakness of fighting with the aim of running away will cause him to leave his best friend, Gon, to die. A stark contrast to his best friend Gon, Killua is highly mature in both thinking and emotion in which he can keep his anger in check and maintain rationality better than Gon even when facing a terrifying experience like the death of Kite, while Gon gives in to his rage and loses his logical thinking. [140], Killua developed a series of Nen abilities in which he alters the properties of his aura to make it similar to electricity. To Killua's surprise, Hisoka lets them read the names of the players he has encountered, among which there are no members of the Phantom Troupe. Killua agonizes over whether he would have been able to intervene had the Spiders wanted to kill Gon, sensing he would have left him to die. Killua avoids his next throw, which curves towards his two remaining. The alliance members head to a bar where they find four pirates. Showing great promise from birth, Killua followed the traditional Zoldyck training, which was imparted to him by Silva and Illumi. This also had the effect of making his overall movements better, increasing his speed. He is updated on Gon's state, after which he confidently states he can heal Gon, but that he may need help to return to the hospital. Killua does not believe him and continues running farther away from the palace until Komugi begins to struggle to get free. Visit Site 571 Synonyms & Antonyms Of DOES - Merriam-Webster The Extermination Team freezes momentarily when Zeno's Dragon Dive pierces the palace, with the exception of Gon, who charges at Menthuthuyoupi. [13] He is also tremendously observant, and he believed he could notice the slightest change in the expression of two Spiders. When the two prepare to leave, Gon insists on carrying on with the plan. Introduced during the Hunter Exams arc, Killua has only gone on to achieve greatness with time. [67], On September 3rd they purchase the Southernpiece Catalog, where they learn more about the days when Greed Island will be auctioned. His explanation, however, is incomprehensible to them. 30), Hunter Hunter - Volume 25, Chapters 265 - 269, Hunter Hunter - Volume 26, Chapters 271 - 272, 276 - 280, Hunter Hunter - Volume 27, Chapter 281, 284 - 289, Hunter Hunter - Volume 16, Chapters 161 - 163, Hunter Hunter - Volume 17, Chapters 164 - 168, Hunter Hunter Jumbo Carddass Series ( ) [Bandai, 1999], Killua claimed to be nearly 12 during the. He is pleasantly surprised to see that Gon got there, and stumped by his declaration that he followed his friend's cologne. Nanika seems not to understand, repeating that it likes Killua. He knocks her out and draws a circle around himself with his aura. Throughout the anime, Killua has many chances to show off a wide variety of fashion, sporting numerous outfits throughout the entire anime. [73], Killua spots Hisoka as soon as they enter, and they pretend not to know each other. Killua asks Gon's age and finds out both of them are almost 12 years old. When, after midnight, Gon reacquires the ability to use Nen, Morel demands that he strike him with Rock. 2, which no player has yet, which they discover to be in Soufrabi. Melody notices Killua's quiet footsteps and asks if he is an assassin, which he confirms. You desire to be down to earth and productive, and when your interest is held you have the patience to focus and pay close attention to detail; however, this name also gives you the inclination to scatter your efforts. I mean, at the beginning of the Greed Island arc, Bisky saw them walking together and said something like . He speaks to Killua in private, enquiring about their goals. Killua determines they are too powerful for them to take on and realizes they want to lure someone out. He has an excellent sense of balance, as seen when he was shown standing with nonchalance on the back of a horse,[157] and exceptional coordination. Despite Killua's objections, Gon insists on finding out who it is. His electric aura can also be channeled through them to shock a target from a distance. Fearing that Gon will attack it in a rage or that Palm will start screaming at him, he decides to confront it himself. Co-editor for AniGay. Killua has spiky silver hair, very pale skin, and blue eyes. He smiles when Gon has the same impression. Kurapika tells Gon to pick and that they will vote accordingly. The following match is intended to be Leorio vs. Bodoro, but Killua impales Bodoro from behind, thereby failing the Hunter Exam for his murder. The following day, he chastises Gon for his recklessness. ;-; Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/n) [62] Killua manages to raise 286 million before a gamble leaves him penniless, causing him to lose the competition. [86], Masterful Skater: Killua is extremely dexterous with his skateboard, performing acrobatic tricks with ease. He pretends to be affected by the toxin and, as soon as she looks away, breaks her neck and slashes off her head. Although he primarily fights with his bare hands, Killua is able to use any kind of weapons, but the only one he employs consistently are his custom-made yo-yos. [6], He rushes back to where he last saw Gon and Palm, and, when he cannot find them, runs to the hotel. [210], They jump to the roof of the third floor, where they encounter Zeno, who cryptically tells them to judge for themselves what is going on inside. The clerk informs Killua that if he does not register by midnight, due to having failed to do so once before he will be barred from all further combat. [192], His training endowed him with near immunity to poison, high tolerance to electricity, great agility and physical strength, advanced armed and unarmed combat and stealth techniques, which he acquired at a very young age. Killua eventually snaps, swearing he will do anything to get Kurapika to cooperate, before handing the phone back to Gon. [159] He was able to cut a massive tree in two and twist off the arms and head of another soldier Ant in the blink of an eye,[193] as well as to dispatch two more by inflicting two lethal wounds to each within a ridiculously short time frame. He becomes deeply concerned about his friend when he cancels Ten. [127], Kazsule contacts them again, offering to form an alliance since Genthru is close to completing the game. He tries to help Gon come up with an idea, then, when it is time for him to work on his idea, taunts him to keep him focused. [35], Netero summons all the nine remaining examinees, asking them what fellow applicants have their most attention and who they would be opposed to fighting. [9], At a young age, he fulfilled three of Alluka's requests, causing Nanika to take over. [28] By making a ten-hour bet, Leorio gets the chance to verify his condition. To get stronger so they can continue chasing the Troupe, Killua proposes asking Kurapika for help, as he believes he is the "Chain Guy". [191] Ming's reappearance on television forces Killua to abandon his plan to incite riots and limit himself to taking out Neferpitou's puppets. Killua is a civil parish in County Westmeath, Ireland. He declines the offer to climb the World Tree with Gon, as he will travel the world with his sister. They resolve to get stronger and write on the city's bulletin board that they accept the challenge. His eyes change shape depending on the mood that he's in, narrowing and sharpening when he goes into assassination mode. Nonetheless, they agree to go for it. [4], Masterful Darts Player: Killua mastered the game when he was six or seven, with a count of 1440 points. He repels the hands with his yo-yos when Shoot suddenly appears next to him. Killua sees part of Kastro's interview and decides to check if he has a reason to be as self-assured as he sounds. As the Extermination Team members prepare themselves for the attack, Killua glances at Gon, vowing to make sure that no one will interfere with his battle thanks to his new ability, Godspeed. She assures Gon that once she has had Killua to herself for a while, she will let Killua play with Gon again. He informs Gon that Nanika was the one who healed him. [111], As their first training exercise, she has Gon and Killua fight Binolt for two weeks inside a rocky arena. Killua makes his presence manifest, maintaining that he simply knew he could warn them at any time. [23], In a sullen mood, he does not sleep all night. They convert the boulder into a card and share their strategy with Gon,[146] for which they have him hone his sense of timing. When showcasing his abilities and turning his Nen into electricity, both Netero and Biscuit have noted how truly tragic his childhood must have been, with the former stating that it's a miracle Killua is even able to smile at all. Just as Killua catches himself losing his determination to leave Gon's side, Knuckle calls Gon to tell him they found Kite and will be back in three days. She then senses Binolt's bloodlust and pretends to fight with them to make him target her when she goes off by herself. [54] Far more remarkably, he held the ball for Gon three times when the latter punched it with Rock, and, despite the feat being compared to forming the barrel of a cannon with one's naked hands, he used no aura to protect them,[138][139][140] although he suffered grievous injuries which he was unable to recover from in nearly a month. [47], One month later he books tickets for Hisoka's match against Kastro. [14], On their way to the hospital, Killua is called by Leorio. [206] Although he normally relies on logic, sometimes to a fault, he is capable of creative thought, which allowed him to devise the basics of Godspeed in the heat of combat. [136], Razor is however saved by his "Devils" and knocks Goreinu out, also dispelling Black Goreinu. Gon enquires about Pakunoda, learning that she has died. Killua and Alluka land where Hishita is waiting with a car. He is also often seen holding a green skateboard (turned yellow in the 2011 series). Later on, Killua removed the thing Illumi . An impressed Killua wants to try it, while Gon wants to try his skateboard. Gon's fury manifests in the form of tremendous aura output, and Killua calmly stops him before he can carry through with the attack. Until recently, Killua's greatest flaw was his fear of those seemingly more powerful than him (one of whom being his elder brother, Illumi). When asked why he wasn't told sooner Killua responds that it is complicated and that because of its powers Alluka was kept locked up. Gon and Killua manage to follow his lightning-fast passages and warn Tsezguerra, who reacts to the throw-in time to survive, although he is forced to leave the court. She thus introduces them to training by Nen type. [192], Advanced Durability: Killua was unscathed after being kicked in the belly by Imori. Silva opens the gate and allows them to depart. Killua understands he is not even in their playing field and is surprised when Netero hands him two halves of two tokens, stating that if he and Gon want to join them and continue living as Hunters, they must hold onto them for one month.

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what does killua mean