If you are an approved user, you can use the ORCHARDS checklist to make sure you have all the data you need to initiate a background check application. The background check is done by the See further information on Subscribe to receive email Background Checkupdates, Oregon Department of Human Services Rules and Policies page, Oregon Criminal History and Abuse Records Data System (ORCHARDS), Subscribe to receive email Background Checkupdates. DHS' Background Check Unit (BCU) is utsed by both DHS and the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to conduct criminal background checks for workers, employers, volunteers, contractors, and/or service . Oregon Criminal History and Abuse Records Data System (ORCHARDS), ORS Chapter 163: Offenses Against Persons, ORS Chapter 164: Offenses Against Property, ORS Chapter 165: Offenses Involving Fraud or Deception, ORS Chapter 166: Offenses Against Public Order; Firearms and Other Weapons; Racketeering, ORS Chapter 167: Offenses Against General Welfare and Animals, ORS 475: Controlled Substances; Illegal Drug Cleanup; Miscellaneous, The Background Check Unit runs all background checks through. SB 280 (linked above) has not yet updated these chapters. The state of emergency ended April 1, 2022. The foundational software of ORCHARDS is currently in use in 27 states and U.S. territories participating in the NBCP. The Oregon State Police conducts Gun Background Checks on every person who attempts to purchase a firearm from a federally-licensed vendor. See this, These rules cover abuse checks on ODHS and OHA employees and volunteers. bcu.info@odhsoha.oregon.gov and indicate that you would like the current training materials. Was this page helpful? You are required to enter an email address for the SI when submitting a background check request so the SI can access the SI portal to ORCHARDS. See this, In collaboration with Child Welfare Licensing, the Office of Continuous Improvement and child caring agency stakeholders, BCU is presenting these. Mail to the Direct Pay Unit at P.O. background check. Box 14850, Salem, OR 97309-0850, fax to 503-378-5953 or email DPU.childcarebilling@dhsoha.state.or.us (PDF only). Below is alist of all currently available training videos. For employees, volunteers and contractors, see, For providers subject to a background check through BCU, see. The background checks policy directs that criminal records checks and abuse checks be done in accordance with the administrative rules. An SI with Portability may use this background check approval for other positions and placements which require a background check under BCU's statutes and administrative rules. The Background Check Unit (BCU) provides background check services and support to all Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) and Oregon Health Authority (OHA) divisions for employment purposes, for those who provide services or seek to provide services as a contractor, subcontractor, vendor or volunteer, or are employed by qualified entities that provide care and are licensed, certified, registered or otherwise regulated by ODHS or OHA. We have made many fixes and improvements to the system since then. . BCU is relying heavily on videos for training of all users of ORCHARDS. The Oregon Criminal History and Abuse Records Data System (ORCHARDS) provides a portal for submitting background checks and receiving fitness determination results. Public funds for employment not allowed for subject individuals with certain convictions. . Effective 12/17/2021 (permanent rules), Abuse Checks for Department Employees and VolunteersOAR407-007-0400 through 0460Effective 2/10/2020 (permanent rules), Background Checks for the Oregon Health AuthorityOAR 943-007-0001 to 943-007-0501Effective 2/10/2020 (permanent rules), Criminal Records Checks and Abuse ChecksOAR 407-007-0200 to 407-007-0370, Background Check Registry and PortabilityOAR 407-007-0600 to 407-007-0640Effective 12/17/2021 (permanent rules), Criminal History Check for Oregon Health Authority ProvidersOAR 943-007-0001 to 943-007-0501Effective 2/10/2020 (permanent rules). These businesses range from fulltime fingerprint technicians to packaging and shipping businesses that do fingerprinting as a side business. Subject individuals (SIs) may be required to have a fingerprint-based check as part of the Background Check Unit (BCU) criminal records check. In order to perform the criminal records check and abuse checks included in a background check, BCU must have authorization from the SI. BCU rules have been updated to adhere to the DAS rules while maintaining the specific needs for ODHS|OHA employees, contractors, and volunteers, and for ODHS|OHA providers and qualified entities. About ODHS; Budget; Business Services; Careers; Data; Emergency Management; Equity and Multicultural Services; Forms; Foster Care Ombuds; Governor's . There are two ways to enroll in the Central Background Registry. BCU is currently reviewing these rules for any needed grammar or language corrections. The administrative rules define a person who must be checked as a "subject individual." The new system, called the Oregon Criminal History and Abuse Records Data System (ORCHARDS) replaces the Criminal Records Information Management System (CRIMS), which has been in use since October 2011. Pursuant to ORS 181A.215, the Oregon Department of Administrative Services implemented statewide administrative rules on January 4, 2016. In order to stay up to date on QED requirements and rule changes, eSubscribe to the Background Check . Employment not allowed for certain subject individuals with certain abuse substantiations. Oregon Department of Human Services Background Check Unit PO Box 14870 Salem OR 97309-5066 bcu.info@odhsoha.oregon.gov Phone: 503-378-5470 Phone: 888-272-5545 TTY: 503-373-7800 General BCU information and CRIMS: bcu.info@odhsoha.oregon.gov Qualified entity designee (QED) training and information: bcu.qed@odhsoha.oregon.gov If you don't list everyone who is required, your application will be failed. Espaol / Spanish | BCU also checks abuse registries which hold records of reported perpetrators of abuse against children and vulnerable individuals Depending on the position your background check is for, BCU may checks all types of abuse regardless of how long ago it occurred, or limited types of abuse since 2010. You can complete your authorization and any disclosures for the background check on a computer or other device (table or smart phone). Updates and current news regarding ORCHARDS areavailable to users on its Home page after logging in. Central Background Check Registry webpage., 700 Summer St NE, Ste 350Salem, OR 97301, Phone: 800-556-6616Email:occ.customerservice@ode.oregon.gov, Early Learning Division Office of Child Care, Central Background Check Registry webpage, All employees and staff who work in the child care facility, Substitute caregivers who provide care when the primary caregivers are not available, All members of the household where care is provided, including the parent, if the parent and provider live together, All visitors who may have unsupervised access to children in care in the place where care is provided. You can find details in OAR 407-007-0281, OAR 407-007-0290, and the, If a providersubject individual has one or more PDQs, ODHS|OHA must conduct a weighing test. An SI with Portability may use this background check approval for other positions and placements which require a background check under BCU's statutes and administrative rules. A worker who has lived out of state in the last two years must use the Department of Aging code. Other documents that the SI will see when completing the Authorization and Disclosure are available to you in ORCHARDS, in the Help Section. Local jurisdictions report their information to the Oregon State Police, who are the keepers of Oregon criminal histories. Formatted copies of Background Check Unit rules are available to This option can be used for SIs currently outside the U.S., or if your SI does not have access toFieldPrint or other Livescan option. Updates and current news regarding ORCHARDS are available to users on its Home page after logging in. If your agency anticipates fingerprinting 100 or more SIs each year, you can work with FieldPrint to set up monthly invoicing. The current charge for fingerprint capture through FieldPrint is. . However, at this time BCU is able to accept hardcards with rolled fingerprints. Department of Human Services - Background Check Unit, https://www.oregon.gov/dhs/BUSINESS-SERVICES/CHC/Pages/ORCHARDS.aspx. Contact Public Records at 503-823-0756 to see if service can be completed via email or U.S. mail. Certain abuse records will also be reviewed. Monthly Invoicing from FieldPrint flyer(pdf), Clearinghouse Monthly Invoicing fromFieldPrint flyer (pdf), Request for Fingerprint Transmission through LEA form(pdf), Clearinghouse Request for Fingerprint Transmission through LEAform(pdf). We have made many fixes and improvements to the system since then. For more informationon backgroundchecks, please visit the Children, Adults and Families Policy Title: Criminal History Checks for System of Care Contractors - OAR Policy Number: III-D.1.1.2 413-330-0085 thru 0098 Effective Date: 06-01-2004 Approved By: on file Date Approved: Reference(s): To request a hearing, please use the form below. bcu.clearinghouse@odhsoha.oregon.gov. These rules include potentially disqualifying convictions, criminal history and abuse of children and vulnerable individuals (PDQs). Please note:Links to rules on this page go to the Secretary of State website or to official Secretary of State documents. Subscribe to receive email notices for Background and Criminal Records Check updates. Frequently asked questions about the background checkand fingerprinting process are available for SIs in multiple languages. training from the Department of Human Services Background Check Unit (BCU) for background checks: the QED is usually your contact for doing this background check. ORCHARDS was developed on behalf of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for the National Background Check Program(NBCP). Directions on how to schedule an appointment with a FieldPrint vendor are included in a letter available in ORCHARDS after a background check application has been initiated by the qualified entity designee at your agency and the SI has completed the authorization and disclosure for the background check. Effective 1/5/2016. If you are a subject individual and you received a notice that your background check resulted in Denied" or Restricted Approval," the notice explains your hearing rights. OAR 257-010-0010 to 257-010-0025 Oregon State Police, Oregon Criminal Offender Information System . These rules cover criminal records checks on OHA employees, volunteers under the direction and control of OHA, and certain contractors, incorporating the ODHS rules by proxy. Soomaali / Somali | If an SI is out of the U.S. when fingerprinting is required, a hard card with rolled fingerprints may be necessary. Authorizing statute for Department of Administrative Services to implement rules on criminal records check processes in Oregon. Table 1: HHA Background Check Requirements by State . Early Learning Division Office of Child Care.. / Simplified Chinese | , If you need support or have questions, concerns or feedback, please email theLTCR Coordinator These rules cover criminal records checks on OHA providers incorporating the ODHS rules by proxy, with specific rules for OHA hearing rights. All background check applications are submitted electronically into ORCHARDS by approved users (see our Training and Tools page for details). Any criminal convictions occurring subsequent to the initial background bcu.qed@odhsoha.oregon.gov, Fingerprint information for BCU background checks: bcu.fp.info@odhsoha.oregon.gov, Adam Walsh and Family First Prevention Services Act background checks, and requests for Oregon Background check registry for certain ODHS|OHA subject individuals . Non Oregon State Issued Identification Card United States Armed Forces ID Passport Visa The Background Check Unit (BCU) will start a new database and processing system for abuse and criminal records checks Friday, July 31, 2020. oregon dhs background check, background check unit oregon, oregon background check gun, oregon background check laws, oregon background check policy, criminal background check in oregon, state of oregon background checks, oregon state police background check Baptist Health Public Employees, especially useful It must sign a few. See in particular OAR 943-007-0000(1), 943-007-0000(3), and 943-007-0501. Use of ORCHARDS is only available for individuals subject to BCUs statutes and administrative rules (see Policies and Rules) or for organizations or businesses under the Clearinghouse (see Clearinghouse)., Note for all users submitting background check requests into ORCHARDS. training from the Department of Human Services Background Check Unit (BCU) for background checks: the QED is usually your contact for doing this background check. The administrative rules require that most staff and provider contacts who process background check information must successfully complete training to become a Qualified Entity Designee (QED). An official website of the State of Oregon About background checks To be eligible for payment from the Oregon Department of Human Services ( ODHS ), all providers and others in the household or facility who will have access to children in care must pass a background check. More information is available about when fingerprints are needed: BCU encourages the use of electronic capture and submission of fingerprints. When fingerprints are needed Subject individuals (SIs) may be required to have a fingerprint-based check as part of the Background Check Unit (BCU) criminal records check.More information is available about when fingerprints are needed: For employees, volunteers and contractors, see OAR 407-007-0030(9). The Background Check Unit (BCU) provides background check services and support to all Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) and Oregon Health Authority (OHA) divisions for employment purposes, for those who provide services or seek to provide services as a contractor, subcontractor, vendor or volunteer, or are employed by qualified entities that provide care and are licensed, certified, registered or otherwise regulated by ODHS or OHA. If your agency uses LEAs for fingerprint capture, you must have correct coding so Oregon State Police can identify the fingerprints aspart ofa criminal records check through BCU. The information provided on this form will be submitted to the Oregon DHS Background Check Unit (Oregon Criminal History & Abuse Records Database System) in order to process your background check. Name and mailing address of subject individual: 2. . 2/1/2023-BCU has updated the following pages: The Oregon Criminal History and Abuse Records Data System (ORCHARDS) provides a portal for submitting background checks and receiving fitness determination results. Authorizing statute for Oregon Department of Human Services and Oregon Health Authority to conduct criminal records checks on subject individuals. Oregon law requires any SI who is having a background check that requires fingerprints through BCU to have their fingerprints captured and submitted electronically.