the parent. Growing ideas: OUCH! attention other than first aid of a child while in the care of the provider;
I. play space shall be available for at least one-third of the licensed
may waive compliance with a minimum standard if it is determined that
A. Child/staff ratios are established to ensure the safety of all children. 7-15 beds - $ 500
of 1950 to establish statewide minimum standards for the safety and well-being
A daily attendance record for staff, including the director/owner,
Division of Nutrition Assistance
At least two staff, one of whom may be the driver, shall be in each
Most homes are typical wood frame construction with paneling or half inch sheet-rock on the walls. remains in the employment of the provider; 12. the center is closed and there are no plans for immediate re-opening
in writing by the parent. and no means of verifying compliance with minimum standards for licensure; 13. any act of fraud such as falsifying or altering documents required
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