Dahns dedication to her students and community go above and beyond and exemplifies why shes Teacher of the Year, said Chamber member Monte Stull. We believe that the quality of education is impacted by people more than any other factor. AssociateSuperintendent of Operational Services, Dr. Christiana Barger | R-7 Staff Directory; Accessibility Information; Join Us. Director of Before & After School Services YMCA, Dr. Jesi Cygan Diploma Plus is LSR7's career-ready initiative to ensure all LSR7 studentsgraduatewith market-value assets such as internships,college credit andadvanced certifications. Review ourthree-year strategic plan that guides our district mission of preparing each of our students for success in life. Regan O. carries cash for the register from the Faulkner's Ranch office building. Dr. David Buck has served as superintendent for the Lee's Summit R-7 School District since July 1, 2020. Calendar. Tudor Road Lee's Summit, MO 64086, about LSR7 Announces Teacher of the Year, Inaugural Support Professional of the Year, Support Professional of the Year Nominations, INTRODUCTION TO BROADCASTING/VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, IB MATHEMATICS: APPLICATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS (AI) SL, IB MATHEMATICS: ANALYSIS AND APPROACHES (AA) SL 11th/12th Grade, ESSENTIALS OF ATHLETIC TRAINING AND FIRST AID, IB SPORTS, EXERCISE AND HEALTH SCIENCE (SEHS) SL, IB INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN A GLOBAL SOCIETY SL, SUPERVISED BUSINESS EXPERIENCE (SBE) INTERNSHIP, COOPERATIVE CAREER EXPERIENCE (CCE) INTERNSHIP, INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING & DESIGN (IED) PLTW, CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE (CEA) PLTW, DIGITAL ELECTRONICS/COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING (DE/CIM) PLTW, ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, CAPSTONE: FASHION/INTERIOR DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING, HOSPITALITY, TOURISM AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT AT PARADISE PARK, IB ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS AND SOCIETIES SL, PRINCIPLES OF THE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES (PBS), MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS/BIOMEDICAL INNOVATION PLTW, IB HISTORY OF THE AMERICAS HL 11th/12th grade, International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB), International Baccalaureate Career-Related Program, Dr. Whitney Morehead Honored by MO Association of School Librarians, LSR7 Students Win Big at Statewide Journalism Competition, LSR7 Announces Teacher of the Year, Inaugural Support Professional of the Year, Middle School Students Travel to Children's Literacy Festival. Shes said she relies on building relationships and establishing a positive learning environment for her students in order to be an effective teacher. Staff - All Staff . "Every day our school community exemplifies LSR7's proud tradition of supporting academic excellence, producingdata-driven results and creating innovative, enriching opportunities for students. R-7 Staff Directory; Web Accessibility Information; Join Us. Become asubstitutefor Lee's Summit R-7 Schools. Prior to that, he was a science teacher at both the middle and high school level. The Lee's Summit A+ Schools Program provides students who meet rigorous achievement criteria to receive reimbursement for the cost of tuition and general fees while attending a Missouri public community college or vocational/technical school on a full-time basis. Principal: Jason Gross|Phone: 816-986-2280|Attendance Office: 816-986-2293|Health Room: 816-986-2302|Counseling Office: 816-986-2296|Counseling Office: 816-986-2286|Fax: 816-986-2326. Advanced studies programs. Copyright2005-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) -PowerSchool Group LLC and/or its affiliate(s), Lee's Summit R-7 School District301 N.E. You are welcome to apply for all positions of interest. As the sixth largest school district in Missouri, our talented LSR7 employees support the success of nearly 18,000 students. Director of Career Education, Dawn Butler Tudor Road Lee's Summit, MO 64086. He has served in administration as a High School Principal, Assistant Superintendent (Curriculum and Instruction and Human Resources) and Superintendent for more than 20 years. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) that has not been submitted. Business Management & Technology. Our operating tax rate is lower than school districts in Hickman Mills, Center, Fort Osage, Raytown, Blue Springs, North Kansas City, Liberty and Kansas City, Mo. He worked as a gifted education teacher and a coordinator for the Missouri Scholars Academy. Schoology. Head to the Parent PowerSchool portal to register or visit our SLI page. Tudor Road Lee's Summit, MO 64086, Support Professional of the Year Nominations, INTRODUCTION TO BROADCASTING/VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, IB MATHEMATICS: APPLICATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS (AI) SL, IB MATHEMATICS: ANALYSIS AND APPROACHES (AA) SL 11th/12th Grade, ESSENTIALS OF ATHLETIC TRAINING AND FIRST AID, IB SPORTS, EXERCISE AND HEALTH SCIENCE (SEHS) SL, IB INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN A GLOBAL SOCIETY SL, SUPERVISED BUSINESS EXPERIENCE (SBE) INTERNSHIP, COOPERATIVE CAREER EXPERIENCE (CCE) INTERNSHIP, INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING & DESIGN (IED) PLTW, CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE (CEA) PLTW, DIGITAL ELECTRONICS/COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING (DE/CIM) PLTW, ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, CAPSTONE: FASHION/INTERIOR DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING, HOSPITALITY, TOURISM AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT AT PARADISE PARK, IB ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS AND SOCIETIES SL, PRINCIPLES OF THE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES (PBS), MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS/BIOMEDICAL INNOVATION PLTW, IB HISTORY OF THE AMERICAS HL 11th/12th grade, International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB), International Baccalaureate Career-Related Program. "Every day our school community exemplifies LSR7's proud tradition of supporting academic excellence, producingdata-driven results and creating innovative, enriching opportunities for students. A student engages in welding at Lee's Summit North. After your information is complete, you will receive a confirmation number, and your information will be saved allowing you to return at any time to submit additional applications. Director of Professional Development, Chrissy Symes guides. You have an incomplete application for The Lee's Summit R-7 School District's enrollment for 2022-23 is approximately 17,783 students. The Board of Education has approved a debt service levy transfer on the April 4, 2023 ballot. LSR7 helps you prepare for your school careerand beyond. The LSN Advanced Web Design Team creates and maintains portions of this website. Summer Learning Institute (Grades K-8) enrollment is openthrough 3 p.m. on April 20. "Every day our school community exemplifies LSR7's proud tradition of supporting academic excellence, producing data-driven results and creating innovative, enriching opportunities for students." - Dr. David Buck, Superintendent Lee's Summit North High School901 NE Douglas St.Lee's Summit, MO 64086. CASS Career Center is one of Missouri's foremost public career and technical schools serving secondary and adult students. LSR7 encourages innovation and creativity, recognizing student learning as our fundamental purpose. Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education, Dr. Brett Potts Sustaining positive relationships among students, staff, families and community members. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) We've expanded our year-round online school and are serving students across the state. Assistant Superintendent of Equity and Student Services, Katy Bergen Genesis Parents (opens in new window/tab) Genesis Students (opens in new window/tab) HIB District and School Grade Report; HIB Incident Reporting; Naviance (opens in new window/tab) School Calendar; School Messenger Notification System; . Head to the Parent PowerSchool portal to register or visit our SLI page. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) . When she graduates, Regan will earn an internship credential through the LSR7Diploma Plus program. In the Lee's Summit R-7 School District, our goal is to support and value the2,700 team members who make our district the best that it can be. Mrs. Or connect with us at 816.986.1000. Lee's Summit High School (opens in new window/tab) Lee's Summit North High School . Schoology. Beliefs: We believe that the quality of education is impacted by people more than . Summer Learning Institute (Grades K-8) enrollment is openthrough 3 p.m. on April 20. Along the way, amid partnering conversations, it made sense to combine the programs, having the Excellence In Teaching recipients become the finalists for Teacher of the Year. Preparing each student for SUCCESS in life. ", 301 N.E. Head to the Parent PowerSchool portal to register or visit our SLI page. Summit Lakes Middle School Assistant Principal Evonne Medrano was the Latinx Education Collaborative's LatinxEducator of the Year in 2020. Dr. Steve Shelton He also has participated in Yale Universitys Emotional Intelligence RULER Certification. Mrs. Dahn has brought her love of music to seven schools in the district, starting in elementary education before switching to middle schools in Fall 2011. Learn how our G.R.E.A.T program serves students. Click here to get information on the impact of the ballot measure. Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education, Shelly Sanders No, I do not want to apply for that job. Athletics. Staff Directory Job Title Name Principal Assistant Principal Elaine Metcalf Dr. Jeremy Bonnesen Administrative Secretary Shelly Harmon . Executive Director of Curriculum, Dr. Staci Mathes **If you apply for an "Anticipate Vacancy" position, please also apply for specific positions that interest you as they are posted. Office Staff. 301 N.E. Explore: Learn about LSR7Experience: Visit our newsroom. Tudor RoadLee's Summit, MO 64086(816) 986-1000. Staff Directory - Summit Public Schools. Our excellent benefits package extends well beyond standard benefits. Embracing open, honest two-way communication. Unfortunately, this position is no longer available. Join our award-winningTransportationteam. Remove me from the list . This year, we have three Teachers of Distinction. Wednesday, April 13, The Lee's Summit R-7 School District announced the LSR7 2022 Teacher of the Year is Mrs. Holly Dahn, vocal music educator at Summit Lakes Middle School.. Mrs. Dahn has spent the entirety of her 19 years in education at the Lee's Summit School District all after growing up and attending Lee's Summit Schools. From our award-winning operations teams to our talented teachers, LSR7 staff make a big difference in our school community. Our hours allow us to be home with our families for every holiday, evening, weekend and summer. Support Staff. A committee selected Mrs. Dahn out of a pool of 15 candidates, all recipients of the Lees Summit Chamber of Commerce Excellence in Teaching and Teacher of Distinction awards. Text-a-Tip. We support our employees with paid short-term medical leave, paid long-term disability, a PDO/PTO buy-back program, a robust Employee Assistance Program, wellness initiatives, leadership development programs, tuition reimbursement and more. Director of Student Support, Lori Danella When Cathy passed away, her husband Loren and daughters Terra, Tiffany and Toni decided to perpetuate Cathys generosity by establishing the Cathy Paulson Heart to Heart fund through the Lees Summit Educational Foundation to honor each years Teacher of the Year. Lee's Summit West High School 2600 SW Ward Road - Main Phone: 816-986-4000. Executive Director of Technology, Dr. Marlene DeVilbiss Welcome to Miller Park Center. Head to the Parent PowerSchool portal to register or visit our SLI page. Join Our Team; Enroll; Connect With Us. Weston H. is taking three classes this semester through LSR7's partnership with Metropolitan Community College: Longview. The LSR7 employee experience doesn't just include competitive compensation and a robust benefits package. Industrial & Engineering Technology. Courses taken through ECPcount for high school and college credit. Preparing each student for SUCCESS in life. Once an educator has received the Excellence In Teaching Award, he/she may not win it again. LEE'S SUMMIT WEST: Apply: Assistant Principal - High School (2023-24) - LSHS: 04/27/2023: Administration: LEE'S SUMMIT HIGH: Join Our Team; Enroll; Connect With Us. JOBS & cAREERS. This years 12 Excellence In Teaching recipients will receive a proclamation from our state legislators, a beautiful plaque and a $200 grant to be used for classroom supplies. TalentEd Hire Students in the Lee's Summit North Stagecraft class study for and take the OSHA certification test, the standard safety certification for all workplace environments. Executive Director of Special Services, Shannan Booth Support Professional of the Year Nominations, INTRODUCTION TO BROADCASTING/VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, IB MATHEMATICS: APPLICATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS (AI) SL, IB MATHEMATICS: ANALYSIS AND APPROACHES (AA) SL 11th/12th Grade, ESSENTIALS OF ATHLETIC TRAINING AND FIRST AID, IB SPORTS, EXERCISE AND HEALTH SCIENCE (SEHS) SL, IB INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN A GLOBAL SOCIETY SL, SUPERVISED BUSINESS EXPERIENCE (SBE) INTERNSHIP, COOPERATIVE CAREER EXPERIENCE (CCE) INTERNSHIP, INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING & DESIGN (IED) PLTW, CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE (CEA) PLTW, DIGITAL ELECTRONICS/COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING (DE/CIM) PLTW, ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, CAPSTONE: FASHION/INTERIOR DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING, HOSPITALITY, TOURISM AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT AT PARADISE PARK, IB ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS AND SOCIETIES SL, PRINCIPLES OF THE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES (PBS), MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS/BIOMEDICAL INNOVATION PLTW, IB HISTORY OF THE AMERICAS HL 11th/12th grade, International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB), International Baccalaureate Career-Related Program. Natural Resources. The R-7 School District is #R7Proud of its commitment to student success. that will not be submitted. District; Families; Staff; Jobs; COVID-19; Summer Learning Institute (Grades K-8) enrollment is open through 3 p.m. on April 20. . Would you like to continue working on this application? Shes worked to not only create lifelong learning in the classroom, but engaged citizens making a positive impact on the world around them.. Mrs. Dahn has spent the entirety of her 19 years in education at the Lees Summit School District all after growing up and attending Lees Summit Schools. LSR7reflects a culture of respect and acceptance. Business Management & Technology. He received his bachelors degree in secondary education from Southeast Missouri State University, and his his masters degree in education, educational specialist degree and superintendent certification from the University of Missouri. Mission: To hire top quality candidates, support student learning and empower our talented staff. Collaboration is an expectation that fosters mutual understanding and a focus on student achievement and staff development. Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search, Teacher Elementary Certified - Grade 5 (PVE), Teacher Certified Secondary - ESSER Content and Credit Recovery (Middle School), Assistant Principal - High School (2023-24) - LSWHS, Assistant Principal - High School (2023-24) - LSHS, Teacher Secondary Certified - Social Studies (Lee's Summit HS), Teacher Secondary Certified - Math - Hilltop, Teacher Secondary Certified - Industrial Technology (Middle School), Teacher Secondary Certified - Math - LSWHS, Teacher Elementary Certified Special Education - CLASS (RHE), Teacher Secondary Certified - Industrial Technology/Geometry in Construction - LSHS, Teacher Secondary Certified - Industrial Technology/PLTW - LSHS, Teacher Secondary Certified - Science (Middle School), Assistant Principal - Middle School - BCMS & ETMS (traveling position), Paraprofessional Specialist Summer School - Great Beginning Early Education (multiple positions), Parent Educator/Home School Coordinator (.50 FTE), Teacher Elementary Certified - Grade Kindergarten - UWE, Teacher Elementary Certified Special Education - Life Skills - (HPE), Teacher Secondary Certified Special Education - Cross Categorical (LSHS), Teacher Elementary Certified - Music - R7 Online Academy, Teacher Elementary Certified Special Education - Cross Categorical & CLASS/Life Skills - (HPE), Teacher Elementary Certified Special Education - Social Emotional Behavioral (SEB) - (PLE), Teacher Secondary Certified - Family and Consumer Science, Interventionist (traveling) .50 PVE & .50 UWE, Teacher Secondary (7-12) Certified - Business/Cybersecurity, Health Clerk - Elementary (Summer School), Licensed Practical Nurse - Elementary (Summer School), Licensed Practical Nurse - Secondary (Summer School), Paraprofessional Specialist - Great Beginnings, School - Community Liaison / District Social Worker, Teacher Elementary Certified - Grade 1 (MLE), PowerSchool Group LLC and/or its affiliate(s). Lee's Summit North High School 901 NE Douglas St. Lee's Summit, MO 64086. . Our excellent benefits package extends well beyond standard benefits. ", 501 SE Todd George Parkway Lee's Summit, Missouri 64063, Principal: Amy Fennewald|Asst. ", Principal: Kelly Twenter|Asst. He has also served as a facilitator for the Leadership Academy through the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The Lee's Summit R-7 School District is not responsible for any content housed/published on those sites. Learn how we aresupporting the academic, physical and social-emotional needs of students. We invest in our people through wellness initiatives, leadership development programs, tuition reimbursement and more. Get the latest information about the April 4th debt service levy ballot measure. Join Our Team; Enroll; Connect With Us. I believe the process of learning through music mirrors the process of learning about life.. 86% of our teachers hold an advanced degree. Head to the Parent PowerSchool portal to register or visit our SLI page. We prepare each student for success in life. The Missouri composite score is 20.2, and the national composite score is 19.8. The Early College Program (ECP) is a dual enrollment program offering students the opportunity to earn up to 30 hours of college credit taken at the Metropolitan Community College, Longview Campus. School Hours: 7:30 AM to 2:18 PM. Diploma Plus empowers LSR7 students to graduateready for learning, work, and life. Located in Harrisonville, MO, CCC is noted for consistently producing life-ready graduates prepared to step into various high-quality in-demand workforce training and college degree pathways. LSR7 Career Paths: Forge a path that is uniquely you. Director of Nutrition Services, Dr. Melanie Hutchinson . Summer Learning Institute (Grades K-8) enrollment is openthrough 3 p.m. on April 20. Powerschool. Once an educator has received the Teacher of Distinction Award he/she may not win it again. The district currently includes 18 elementary schools, four middle schools, three high schools, an alternative secondary school, a secondary technology academy, an early education center and a special-education, day-treatment center. Tudor Road Lee's Summit, MO 64086. graduating students who are college and career ready with the competitive advantage necessary to be successful. Lee's Summit West High School 2600 SW Ward Road - Main Phone: 816-986-4000 Reported scholarship offers for the Class of 2021. Tudor Road Lee's Summit, MO 64086, Support Professional of the Year Nominations, INTRODUCTION TO BROADCASTING/VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, IB MATHEMATICS: APPLICATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS (AI) SL, IB MATHEMATICS: ANALYSIS AND APPROACHES (AA) SL 11th/12th Grade, ESSENTIALS OF ATHLETIC TRAINING AND FIRST AID, IB SPORTS, EXERCISE AND HEALTH SCIENCE (SEHS) SL, IB INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN A GLOBAL SOCIETY SL, SUPERVISED BUSINESS EXPERIENCE (SBE) INTERNSHIP, COOPERATIVE CAREER EXPERIENCE (CCE) INTERNSHIP, INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING & DESIGN (IED) PLTW, CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE (CEA) PLTW, DIGITAL ELECTRONICS/COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING (DE/CIM) PLTW, ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, CAPSTONE: FASHION/INTERIOR DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING, HOSPITALITY, TOURISM AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT AT PARADISE PARK, IB ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS AND SOCIETIES SL, PRINCIPLES OF THE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES (PBS), MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS/BIOMEDICAL INNOVATION PLTW, IB HISTORY OF THE AMERICAS HL 11th/12th grade, International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB), International Baccalaureate Career-Related Program, Approved 2022-23 Professional Exempt Salary Schedule, Approved 2022-23 Professional Non-Exempt Salary Schedule, Approved 2022-23 HSMSHSAA Extra Duty Salary Schedule, Approved 2022-23 MSMSHSAA Club Extra Duty Salary Schedule, Approved 2022-23 Instruction Other Stipend Salary Schedule, Approved 2022-23 Elementary Club Extra Duty Salary Schedule, Approved 2022-23 Administrative Salary Schedule, Approved 2022-23 Teacher Range By Position, Approved 2022-23 MSMSHSAA Club Range By Position, Approved 2022-23 Support Range By Position, Approved 2022-23 Professional Range By Position, Approved 2022-23 Hourly Instruction Mentor Range By Position, Approved 2022-23 Administrative Range By Position, Approved 2022-23 HSMSHSAA Club Range By Position, Approved 2022-23 Elementary Club Range By Position, 2023-24InstructionStipendSalarySchedule.pdf, 2023-24HourlyWorkInstructionStipendSalarySchedule.pdf. Bud Hertzog, local businessman and former R-7 Board of Education member, legislator and involved community member. Engaging students in research-based programs in a technology-rich environment. Regan O. has a paid internship at Faulkner's Ranch, where she is responsible for the daily operations of the business, including managing staff and setting up the registers. The Centers of Excellence are represented by Center, Grandview . LSR7 career paths include clusters of courses, programs and learning opportunities that serve as a plan for all students that support their . Welcome to the Lee's Summit R-7 School District. To begin a new application, choose a job from the available listings below. Lee's Summit High School (opens in new window/tab) Lee's Summit North High School . I'm doing meaningful work to help students, and I've felt supported moving into management. Great Beginnings Early Education Center special education teacher, "Every day our school community exemplifies LSR7's proud tradition of supporting academic excellence, producingdata-driven results and creating innovative, enriching opportunities for students.". Engage: Get involved. Career exploration infused throughout the K-12 experience. Close. Head to the Parent PowerSchool portal to register or visit our SLI page. Executive Director of Human Resources, Dr. Eric Flack Enroll: Join us! LSR7 career paths include clusters of courses, programs and learning opportunities that serve as aplan for all students that support their interests, abilities, talents or desired levels of education. PowerSchool. You have an incomplete application for No portion of this page may be copied without the permission of the webmaster. The Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) represents the collaboration of education, business and community, providing students with a unique, immersive experience, resulting in highly skilled, adaptable, global innovators and leaders. Visit the Human Resources section on our Staff page for "Who Do I Call?" Check menus and make online payments through LSR7 Nutrition Services. Powered by R-7 Staff Directory; Accessibility Information; Join Us. This foundation allows students the safe space to gain confidence, create, dream, imagine, explore and belong in my music classroom, Dahn said. Address: 600 SE Miller St. Lee's Summit, MO 64063. Summer Learning Institute (Grades K-8) enrollment is openthrough 3 p.m. on April 20. Our award-winning Transportation team members travelapproximately 2,000,000 miles annually covering approximately 117 square miles. You are invited to the Future of Learning Community Meeting on May 1st from 6 pm - 7 pm at Summit High School. Join Dr. Tony Byrd, SSD Students & Leadership to connect and learn more about how SSD is transforming learning for your children. Arts & Communications. District; Families; Staff; Jobs; COVID-19; Summer Learning Institute (Grades K-8) enrollment is open through 3 p.m. on April 20. . Our 22.3composite score for the Class of 2022includes students who chose to take the test. Weston H. measures liquids into a test tube during General Biology. Lawton C. Johnson Summit Middle School Partnering with students in identifying and achieving their learning goals. Administrative Assistant - Principal: Sarah Eubank 816.986.2006 sarah.eubank@lsr7.net Administrative Assistant - Business Office: Mary Kinman . Director of Instructional Technology Services/Secondary Online, Dr. Lisa Janeway Prior to that, he was a science teacher at both the middle and . This site contains links to outside sources. Copyright 2023 Lee's Summit North High School | All Rights Reserved. Outperformingstate & national ACT composite scores, Receiving more than $28 million in scholarships. The Missouri Seal of Biliteracy is an award granted by a local district to recognize a student who has attained proficiency in English and one or more other world language(s) before high school graduation. Summit Technology Academy is an innovative and advanced experience that prepares high school juniors and seniors for college and career success through half-day extension programsat the Missouri Innovation Campus. R-7 Staff Directory; Accessibility Information; Join Us. With career paths, students will have areas of focus along with flexibility and a variety of ideas to pursue as they make decisions regarding course selection through career paths. We support our employees with paid short-term medical leave, paid long-term disability, a PDO/PTO buy-back program, a robust Employee Assistance . Wednesday, April 13, The Lees Summit R-7 School District announced the. Promoting continuous improvement through data-driven decision-making. Cathy loved education and for years provided a gift anonymously to the Teacher of the Year. Principal: Beth Bock|Phone: 816-986-1510|Health Room Phone: 816-986-1542|Fax: 816-986-1535, about LSR7 Student Athletes Earn Bowling Honors Through Special Olympics, Lee's Summit R-7 School District and Chamber of Commerce announce 2022 Excellence in Teaching finalists, LSR7 Student Athletes Earn Bowling Honors Through Special Olympics. The Lee's Summit R-7 School District in cooperation with five other area school districts, supports and operates Summit Technology Academy. District; Families; Staff; Jobs; COVID-19; Summer Learning Institute (Grades K-8) enrollment is open through 3 p.m. on April 20. . Health Services. ", 301 N.E. Phone: 816-986-1510. Gmail. Summer Learning Institute (Grades K-8) enrollment is openthrough 3 p.m. on April 20. JOBS & cAREERS IN lsr7. Approximately 30 years ago, the Chamber of Commerce and the R-7 School District ran separate recognition programs, the Chamber honoring teachers for Excellence In Teaching and the District selecting a Teacher of the Year each year. In LSR7, we prepare students for successful futures. Rachel Hubbard Kline, art teacher atLee's Summit West High School, is among 19 professional artists in the Kansas City region whose art will be permanently installed at the new one terminal concourse. COMPENSATION info. Dr. David Buck has served as superintendent for the Lees Summit R-7 School District since July 1, 2020. Summit Technology Academy Assistant Principal Jeff Nevinski shows an Aerospace student a flight simulator at STA. Our Human Resources team is focused on customer service, and we're eager to assist you. Summer Learning Institute (Grades K-8) enrollment is openthrough 3 p.m. on April 20. ", 301 N.E. LSR7 computer science/business teacher Deanna Soukupreceived the National Aspirations in Computing Educator Award from the National Center for Women & Information Technology. In LSR7, we're focused on supporting youboth professionally and personally. This years Teacher of the Year will receive a $100 award funded by the Loren Paulson family in honor of Cathy Paulson. Health Services. Learn how LSR7 educatorsare increasingstudent achievement and ensuringsuccess for each student. Located in the southeast portion of the Kansas City metropolitan area, the district serves the communities of Lees Summit, Greenwood, Lake Lotawana and Lake Winnebago as well as unincorporated areas of eastern Jackson County and also includes a small portion of Blue Springs and Kansas City municipalities. The district currently includes 18 elementary schools, fourmiddle schools, three high schools, an alternative secondary school, a secondary technology academy, an early education center and a special-education, day-treatment center. BEnefits & Leave. Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, Dr. Heather Kenney Office Hours: 7 AM to 3 PM. Support Professional of the Year Nominations, INTRODUCTION TO BROADCASTING/VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, IB MATHEMATICS: APPLICATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS (AI) SL, IB MATHEMATICS: ANALYSIS AND APPROACHES (AA) SL 11th/12th Grade, ESSENTIALS OF ATHLETIC TRAINING AND FIRST AID, IB SPORTS, EXERCISE AND HEALTH SCIENCE (SEHS) SL, IB INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN A GLOBAL SOCIETY SL, SUPERVISED BUSINESS EXPERIENCE (SBE) INTERNSHIP, COOPERATIVE CAREER EXPERIENCE (CCE) INTERNSHIP, INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING & DESIGN (IED) PLTW, CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE (CEA) PLTW, DIGITAL ELECTRONICS/COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING (DE/CIM) PLTW, ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, CAPSTONE: FASHION/INTERIOR DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING, HOSPITALITY, TOURISM AND RECREATION MANAGEMENT AT PARADISE PARK, IB ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS AND SOCIETIES SL, PRINCIPLES OF THE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES (PBS), MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS/BIOMEDICAL INNOVATION PLTW, IB HISTORY OF THE AMERICAS HL 11th/12th grade, International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB), International Baccalaureate Career-Related Program.
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