Over 30 Soccer, over 40 soccer, over 50 soccer, over 60 soccer, over 70 soccer, adult soccer, adult Referees will be instructed not to add time to a match except under the most extenuating circumstances. Over 70 Soccer. EJECTIONS/DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS Players who are ejected from a match must serve a suspension from future matches. Notailgating allowed on site. Adult Soccer Tournaments. Be sure to read our COVID-19 policy changes prior to registering, 8275 Spring Mountain Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89147, March 1st-May 31st, 2023$800/team, free agent registration: $80/person, June 1st-September 15th$900/team, free agent registration: $90/person, September 16th-October 15th$1000/team, free agent registration: $100/person, October 15th-November 15th$1100/team, free agent registration: $110/person, Open to and inclusive of all gendered players. No knock-out match shall end in a tie. Referees turn in-game cards to field marshals and marshals turn in cards to the tournament at Bettye Wilson. Final Four: April 6 at State Farm Referees have complete authority during all matches and will not allow abusive or profane language, threats of any kind or any style of play that detracts from the Game of Soccer. (0) points for each loss. Las Cruces, NM, Application Deadline: 8400 West RobindaleRoad, Las Vegas, NV 89113. A coin toss will determine which team receives a bye from initial PK shootout. FIFA Penalty Kicks will be used to determine a winner. For Showcase games, coaches and players from both teams will sit on the same sideline. *Please note there are NO DOGS/Animals of any kindallowedon thefields! A match is considered official upon completion of one half of play regardless of the circumstances of termination during the second half with final results based on the score at termination. All preliminary matches will be terminated not less than five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start of the next match on that field. * Medical Releases (download here) Medical Release Form . Come to Las Vegas to finish the season with a first-class event. Substitution Procedure: Substitutions may only be made with the referees permission at the following stoppages in play. If your association does not issue Player Passes, you will be required to present Passports or proof of entry and/ or photo I.D. James Regional is located in the southwest area of Las Vegas. (NRS 200.471 and 200.481). Maximum roster size is described in the AGE GROUP FORMAT section. Registration for Sin City Soccer 2024 is now open across 2 different divisions of play! Apr 30. No additions will be allowed after the rosters freeze. Championship finalists will be determined by Tournament Scoring of the group stage matches. Players may only be rostered and play for one team during the tournament. This honor is in recognition that our high school competitors are students first and then athletes. Las Vegas Aviators vs. Tacoma Rainiers. August 30, 2012 - The NIAA, in conjunction with the NIAA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee and the NFHS have produced considerable information in regards to the treatment of athletes who may have suffered a concussion. 1st - Morgan Turner (IL) dec. Caley Graber (MN) , 18-9 Tournament scoring is described in the EVENT DETAILS section. Players shall wear approved cleats. The technical area is considered to be from the half-way line to the extent of the center circle in a teams own half of the field. The three highest-ranked recruits in this year's signing class will also be competing in the U20 men's freestyle tournament. Over 30 Soccer, over 40 soccer, over 50 soccer, over 60 soccer, over 70 soccer, adult soccer, adult soccer tournaments, womens soccer tournaments Check in process There are NO CHANGES OR ADDS TO THE ROSTER starting 7 days prior to the event. WebMost competitive and prestigious interscholastic and club tournaments in the world. Thursday, April 27 12 pm - SR MFS prelims 7 pm - SR MFS consis 9 pm - SR MFS semis & consis Friday, April Team benches are provided at Bettye Wilson, Kellogg/Zaher fields 9-11, James Regional Sports Park. Over 30 Soccer. A third-place team will not be considered for a wild card regardless of the number of points they received during group play. Contact Us: 900 South Valley View Blvd. The Las Vegas Mayors Cup International Showcase will adhere to current FIFA Laws of the Game published 2015/2016 for U11 through U19 teams, with the following amendments in accordance with US Youth Soccer (USYS) and Nevada Youth Soccer Association (NYSA) policies, including USYS Player Development Initiatives Small Sided Standards published July 2015: Field Markings: Some fields may contain alternative markings for other sports. Incoming Freshman Christian Carroll Wins U20 National Title in Las Vegas, What Makes GIA Special - Mitch Shelton Pins Dr. Death, Eight OSU Wrestlers Earn First-Team Academic All-Big 12 Honors, Six Cowboys Named to NWCA Scholar All-America Team for Second Consecutive Season, Cowboy Signee Cael Hughes Named Dave Schultz High School Excellence Award Winner. The coach, team official or player in question shall be ineligible until the pass is returned to said coach, team official or player by the Tournament Director. Dignity Health St. Rose Dominican Hospital located across the street, These new fields are NOT open to the public. Any team leaving the field prior to the determination of a winner shall forfeit the match. U8 will play U9-U10 Rules. Number of Substitutions: Unlimited substitutions will be permitted in all age groups. The ball will be Size 4 for U8 through U12 games. Five Purdue wrestlers are headed out to Las Vegas for the 2023 U.S. Open Championships to compete in the U20 Nationals tournament for a chance to make the United States' U20 World Team. It is the coachsresponsibilityto check the game cards carefully and sign the game card to verify its accuracy. Over 50 Soccer. WebRecreational and Competitive Soccer Tournaments in Las Vegas. WebNevada Youth Soccer Association - NYSA We moved! Championship finalists will be determined by Tournament Scoring of the group stage matches. All subs will wait for it to be brought onto the field. Cowboy Wrestling Eligible teams are Boys and Girls U8 U16. Sat 7:05pm. January 27, 2023, Tournament Director: Yancey Ranspot, Ventana Basin Park/CNM West Campus (Center Referee will gather all the players on the field at the end of regulation play and not allow them to go to their respective sidelines. r Tournaments, womens soccer tournaments, mens soccer tournament, Recreational and Competitive Soccer Tournamentsin Las Vegas. If a tie exists between two or three teams when all participants will be moving on to consolation games, the tournament will determine thier placement with a coin toss. They do not have any authority over any decision normally made by a referee. This tournament will help determine the U20 world team for the United States with the winner of each weight class earning a spot in the finals for the World Team Trials on June 2-4 in Geneva, Ohio. Tournament Director may flip some teams between select consolation games, to avoid match-ups between teams from the same geographic area. Red Cards cannot be rescinded. Previous points earned and any right to a refund, awards or other consideration will be forfeited. Bettye Wilson Soccer Complex (Tournament HQ) Fields #1-10 Grass, James Regional Sports Park Fields #1-6, 11, 12, 13 Grass, Kellogg Zaher Sports Complex (KZ) Fields #1-7 Artificial Turf, Fields #8-11 Grass, Kellogg/Zaher Fields #1-7 Artificial Turf, fields #8-11 Grass, Ed Fountain Fields #1-2, Artificial Turf, fields #3-5 Grass. Application Deadline: April 15th, 2023 : United Cup 2023 . Only the players on the field at the conclusion of regulation play may participate. All matches will be played at the locations listed in the FIELDS section. All teams U11 U14 are guaranteed at least three (3) matches (weather permitting). Goals: For U11 through U12 games, goal dimensions will use reduced size goals. Albuquerque, NM 87107 USA, (505) 830-2245 (Executive Director or Registrar) U8/U10: Two twenty (20)-minute periods U11/U19: Two-thirty (30)-minute periods Half-time Interval: No more than five (5) minutes. U11-U14: Two thirty (30)-minute periods Half-time Interval: No more than five (5) minutes. If the score is still tied at the conclusion of play in any knock-out game, semi-final, or final, there will be no added extra time. A coach, team official, or player receiving two cautions (yellow cards) in a single match is considered to have been given an ejection (red card) for the purposes of gamesuspensionand deducting points for the tournament competition. Home; Lacrosse; Soccer; News; Store; Partners; Our Team; About Us; Events. They are the players who will shoot the PKs.) The loser of the initial shootout will become 3rd place team. After the ball is put into play by the goalkeeper, the opposing team may then cross the build outline and play may resume as normal. The top-eight finishers earn a spot in the U20 World Team Trials field. Region IV and US Club Soccer teams are exempt, * Guest Player Forms (up to [5] per team). We are beyond thrilled to announce that the following tournaments willbe held at the brand new James Regional Sports Park: Men's Friendship Tournament - January 28/29, 2023, Women's Friendship I Tournament - April 1/2, 2023, Coed Friendship Tournament - May 21/22,2023, Veterans Friendship - November 11/12, 2023, Recreational & Competitive Soccer Tournaments, Easy access to the LV Strip (same distance to the Luxor as the Silverbowl Soccer Complex but the opposite direction), Many of shops, grocery stores, restaurants, bars, etc all in 1 square mile, 5 minutes to the 215 freeway (Durango and Buffalo are nearest exits). However, all preliminary matches will be terminated not less than (5) minutes prior to the scheduled start of the next match. Tiebreaker: FIFA Penalty Kicks, U15-U19: Two thirty-five (35)-minute periods Half-time Interval: No more than five (5) minutes Tiebreaker: FIFA Penalty Kicks. Tournament Central. DATES: Saturday, May 27 Monday, May 29, 2023. No jewelry may be worn in competition. The referee at the game will determine if there is a jersey conflict. DIVISIONS: 18 Wood - Open, 18 Wood - Rookie, 25 Wood, 35 Wood, 45 Wood, 50 Wood, 55 Wood. The first-place team in each age group will receive a Mayors Cup Trophy. Sin City Classic Soccer Outdoor Format Rules - Click to DownloadSin City Classic Soccer Tournament Format and Policies for 2023 - Click to DownloadIGLFATournament Rules - Click to Download. The maximum roster size is described in the AGE GROUP FORMAT section. USYSNV rules prohibit any coach, team official or player ejected from a match, or suspended by the proper authority, to be within sight or hearing distance of the field of play during his/her suspension. April 21, 22 & 23, 2023 Hampton, VA . Play will occur on the same fields as the all-gender tournament. Passes must be all from the same organization. (Roster Instructions). IMPORTANT FOR ATHLETES/COACHES: All athletes are asked to register for the World Team Trials Challenge Tournament by Wednesday, May 3 at 11:00 p.m. MT. For a forfeited match, the winner will be credited with a 1-0 win and awarded (3) points. First round: March 21-22. No points for team abandoning the match. See Tickets. The tournament is held at the Pete Livermore Sports Complex in Carson City, Nevada. The open invitational tournament has boys and girls divisions from 9U through 19U in a variety of game formats and competitive divisions. Carson City, Nevada's capital, sits at the foot of the Sierras. U11 will play U12 Rules CREDENTIALS CHECK AND ROSTER All properly registered teams in good standing and which comply with the Rules and By-laws of the USYSA, USSSA, NYSA and US Club Soccer are eligible to compete in the Las Vegas Mayors Cup International Showcase and Tournament. Over 70 Soccer. WebReno MVLA takes pride in educating and training our players and coaches in a competitive, yet positive and fun environment. Hope to see you on the pitch! For James Regional Soccer Park, the teams will occupy the same side of the field. Brennan Posen, Lee Anne Klombies Coed Soccer Tournaments. The club promotes sportsmanship, integrity, leadership, and self-discipline. Teams accepted to the Las Vegas Mayors Cup must have their complete rosters filled in at Gotsport.com prior to midnight Tuesday before the start of the tournament. Teams accepted to the Las Vegas Mayors Cup must have their complete rosters filled in at Gotsoccer.com prior to 11:59pm on February 12, 2024. No hard casts are permitted. To email us (best way to contact us), use the form to the left or send email to Salina@FriendshipSports.com. Something went wrong while submitting the form. The tournament format guarantees a minimum of (Division will occur if Kicks from the Penalty Spots in accordance with the procedure outlined in the FIFA Laws of the Game will be taken until a winner is determined. May 7th, 2023, Tournament Director: One Game Suspension Two yellow cards in the same game Abusive or insulting language Denies opposing team an obvious goal scoring opportunity Spiting at opponent. (505) 830-2247 (Facsimile), 2016 New Mexico Youth Soccer Association - All rights reserved -. The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy. CREDENTIALS CHECK CREDENTIALS CHECK-IN ONLINE [CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION]It is mandatory that upload your team documents in the online Credentials Check. A team abandoned by another team during a match will be awarded (3) points regardless of the score at the time of the abandonment. NEVADA LAW: The Nevada Legislature passed Law AB 474 in 2005 to protect sports officials, including referees and assistant referees. November 5, 2021 - Please click the headline link above to get the 2021 NIAA/One Nevada Credit Union 2A State Soccer Program. 3 min read. Plan A: All matches will be played as scheduled. The Tournament Director shall settle all disputes and their decision shall be final. WebRecreational and Competitive Soccer Tournaments in Las Vegas. Over 40 Soccer. (505) 830-2246 (Technical Director or ODP Staff) The tournament director is responsible for reporting scores and posting them on the tournament schedule and results page on gotsport.com. Tournament Director may flip some teams between select consolation games, to avoid match-ups between teams from the same geographic area. The referee will have the discretion to discipline coaches who in the referees judgment, utilize this substitution procedure as a means of wasting time. Thank you! At Nevada Youth Soccer Association, our attentive staff is available Monday through Friday to answer your questions and ensure you are There will be fifty-three (53) fields used for competition, as follows: Teams accepted to the Las Vegas Mayors Cup must have their complete rosters filled in at Gotsport.com prior to 11:59pm on October 24, 2023. No refunds will be given! The fields are AMAZING, we have included a few you tube videos below for your viewing pleasure. Flagposts: There will be no corner flags on artificial turf fields. Brooks repeated as Recruiting Showcase champion and was named Outstanding Wrestler of the tournament. WebTournament Information and Registration. at centerline. NO protests will be allowed. Elite Eight: March 30-31. Womens Soccer Tournaments. The referee at the game will determine if there is a jersey conflict. Champions League at Boo Williams Invitational. Corrales, NM, Application Deadline: We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here. Web2024 IGLFA Sin City Soccer Classic XI. winner of the initial shootout will participate in an additional shootout against the team receiving a bye in the secondary shootout. Tournament Headquarters Teams will be at the Bettye Wilson Soccer Complex located at 7353 Eugene Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89128, (MAP). Half Time Interval No more than five (5) minutes, Tiebreaker No added extra time, direct to FIFA Penalty Kicks. Tournament Director, Salina. LOCATION: Las Vegas, Nevada. Regular July 30th, 2023, Tournament Director: Georgia football s Chris Smith was selected by the Las Vegas Raiders in the fifth round of the 2023 NFL Draft Saturday. Coaches, team officials, players, or spectators sent off for fighting (striking or attempting to strike another coach, team official, player or spectator). The tournaments are played on World-Class fields constructed exclusively for soccer by the City of Las Vegas. The Boys event will be held February 18-20, 2023. All teams are guaranteed four 60 minute games. All teams are required to book their hotel accommodations through Traveling Teams as a condition of acceptance. october 22 - 24, 2022 casa grande, az January 14 - 16, 2023 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA May 6 - 8, 2023 LAS Eligible players are those players whose names appear on the teams official roster. For a forfeited match, the winner will be credited with a 1-0 win. All matches will be played at the locations listed in the EVENT DETAILS section below. Teams that forfeit during pool play may continue on in pool play but not in semi or final matches. A team abandoned by another team during a match will be awarded total points regardless of the score at the time of the abandonment. Sanctioning Form : Age Groups: U7 -U19. ET with all the medal matches scheduled INCLEMENT WEATHER OR UNEXPECTED TERMINATION OF PLAY. April 27, 2023. May 12th, 2023, Tournament Director: (3) points for each win. Tom Dickerson/Gloria Faber, Application Deadline: First round: March 21-22. All subs will wait for it to be brought onto the field. No additions will be allowed after the rosters freeze. OSU is sending nine current wrestlers to the tournament with four competing in the senior men's freestyle division, five competing in U20 men's freestyle. Georgia football s Chris Smith was selected by the Las Vegas Raiders in the fifth round of the 2023 NFL Draft Saturday. NO EXCEPTIONS!! Knock-out round participants will be determined by Tournament Scoring of the group stage matches. The players footwear cannot have metal cleats (studs). . Goals scored one (1) point per goal to a maximum of three (3) points, The deadline to complete your Credentials Check is Friday, February 5, 2024 Any player added after February 5, 2024, must contact gotsoccer.com at checkin@gotsocccer.com The rosters will freeze on Monday, February 12, 2024. November 10, 2022 - Click the headline link above to get the 2022 NIAA 5A, 4A, 3A Soccer State Tournament Program. Sponsorship Opportunities - Purdue Sports Properties, Boilermakers Wrap up Trip to U20 Nationals, Always Aggressive Podcast: Season 4, Episode 11, Wrestling Trio Named NWCA Scholar All-Americans, Blaze and Clark Earn Dave Schultz High School Excellence Award. Apr 29. Contact us Head Office (702) 373-5329. playersshowcase.com. November 16, 2021 - Each season, the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association and Jostens are proud to present a state academic championship plaque to the team with the highest grade point average in each sport per classification. New Mexico Soccer Tournament Complex Bernalillo, NM. UNLV * Medical Releases (Current year US Youth Soccer or US Club Soccer registration form) must be brought to each game but are not uploaded as part of the credentials check, (Failure to provide the needed paperwork for each player could prevent players from participating in the tournament.). The deadline to complete your Credentials Check is Wednesday, February 12, 2024, Any player added after February 12, 2024, must contact gotsoccer.com at checkin@gotsoccer.com The rosters will freeze on Monday, February 19, 2024. Modifications for February 18-20, 2023 (Boys), Modifications for February 24-26, 2023 (Girls). Elite Eight: March 30-31. Player Cards are still required for each game. Sandia Cup Referee Availability Form, Application Deadline: Team benches are provided at Bettye Wilson, Kellogg/Zaher fields 9-11, James Regional Sports Park. Albuquerque, NM, Application Deadline: We are the premier Adult Soccer tournament organizer. We pride ourselves on top-notch tournament organization, best available fields, great teams, dedicated staff and most importantly staunch competition and fair play. Matches will be played in all weather conditions unless the Center Referee or Tournament Director determines the conditions are dangerous and/or life-threatening as per FIFA/USYSA/USYSNV regulations. We are beyond thrilled to announce that the following tournaments willbe held at the brand new James Regional Sports Park: This state of the art special use only (not open to the public)park opened in January 2019 and we have been lucky enough to be granted permits for thesetournaments. Players cannot be penalized for an offside offense between the halfway line and the build-out line Players can be penalized for an offside offense between the build out line and goal line. In addition, the home league and State Association will be contacted. First Four: March 19-20. No alcoholic beverages, pets, illegal drugs or glass containers will be allowed on or near the tournament fields. Traditionally, the home team wears a lighter color jersey. at centerline. The Tournament Director will do everything in their control to make sure all matches are played, but if it is out of their control, the standings at that time will be final. Early Bird Discount -July 2nd Such markings will be in a different color than the soccer markings. Here's what to know about upcoming Final Fours and their sites through 2030, including Las Vegas' first Final Four in 2028. Templates Framework official website, TOCA Naperville Summer 2022 League Registrations, TOCA Naperville Winter 2022-23 Registrations Jan-Mar 5v5. D. Any team leaving the field prior to the determination of a winner shall forfeit the match. May 1The owners of Del Norte Pharmacies & Home Medical Equipment of New Mexico Tournament Records; April 13, 2021 Final 3 #5 Seattle U 1 #4 UNLV Peter Our address is: 7860 W Sahara #150, 89117 Nevada Youth Soccer Association (NYSA) is a champion for youth sports, Your submission has been received! Any female athlete who participates in the Women's Division is eligible to play in the all-gender tournament on a rostered team. Teams accepted to the Las Vegas Mayors Cup must have their complete rosters filled in at Gotsoccer.com prior to 11:59pm EST on February 19, 2024. In 7v7 games players can be penalized for an offside offense between the build out line and goal line when build out lines are used. WebPeter Johann Memorial Field Las Vegas, NV The 2020-21 WAC Mens Soccer Tournament will feature the top six teams on April 13, 15, and 17 at Johann Memorial Field in Las Vegas. All teams are guaranteed at least three (3) matches (weather permitting). Procedures to Determine the Winner of a elimination match: No extra time will be played on any elimination match. Alcohol on site must be purchased from on site from statelicensedvendor only. July 13, 2021 - Please click on the headline link to view the league alignments for the 2021 and 2022 boys soccer seasons. Head to head (if all teams played each other). Kicks from the Penalty Spot in accordance with the procedure outlined in the FIFA Laws of the Game (site and time at the discretion of Tournament Director or held (1/2) hour prior to and at the site of the teams next potential match. *Foreign Teams: Player Passes from appropriate FIFA affiliate. The home team must change jerseys in the event of a color conflict. Caesars Entertainment Studios at Horseshoe Las Vegas - Las Vegas, NV. #175 Las Vegas, NV 89107. Wrestling Story Links. All teams must have a minimum of (7) players (11v11 & 9v9) (5) players (7v7)), present to start the match. Any coach or team official that is coaching more than one team in the tournament and is suspended on one team is automatically suspended from any other team or teams until the suspension has been served. Soft casts will be permitted on a case by case basis as per each individual referee. Player Cards are still required for each game. TOCA Leagues Winter 2022-23 Nov-Dec/Feb 7v7, TOCA Naperville Turf Leagues Winter 2021-22, TOCA 2021-22 Nov-Jan 7v7 Turf League Schedule, TOCA 2021-22 Jan-Mar 7v7 Turf League Schedule, TOCA Naperville Turf & Futsal Leagues Winter 2020-21, TOCA Naperville 2020 Nov-Dec Turf Schedule, TOCA Naperville 2020 Nov-Dec Futsal Schedule, TOCA Naperville 2021 Jan-Mar Turf Schedule, TOCA Naperville 2021 Jan-Mar Futsal Schedule, YJSimpleGrid Joomla! Plan E: In the event, the fields become totally unplayable or the weather becomes a hazardous condition, it may be necessary to decide some matches with FIFA penalty kicks. Downtown Las Vegas Soccer Club . 2825 Broadbent Parkway NE, Suite D The new park comes with a new price but I assure you these new fields, facilities, and location are worth every cent. Over 40 Soccer. Fees: $350 - $575 : Jack Houston: May 12-14th, 2023. The event features Southern Indiana's premier soccer complex, Goebel Soccer Complex. November 12, 2021 - Please click the headline link above to get the 2021 NIAA/One Nevada Credit Union 3A, 4A, 5A State Soccer Program. 1st - Morgan Turner (IL) dec. Caley Graber (MN) , 18-9 3rd - Katey Valdez (CO) tech. Teams must check-in with the Field Marshal at the Field Marshal tent (30) minutes prior to the time their match is scheduled to begin. The champion of each bracket at the U.S. Open will earn their bid to Final X. The Field Marshals will hold the player passes for both teams in their possession during the match; no exceptions. Over 50 Soccer. (11) players (U13-U19) or (9) players (U11-U12) or (7) players (U8-U10)from a team must be ready to participate within (5) minutes of appointed time or else that team will forfeit its opportunity to prevail in the tiebreaker.).
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