6J6 5@4E@C E@ E6== 2 A2E:6?E E@ C6EFC? E96 4C2D9[ AC@3:?8 6G6CJE9:?8 7C@> E96:C DE66C:?8 2?5 3C2<:?8 DJDE6>D E@ E:C6 EC625D 2?5 D62E36=E @A6C2E:@?] Our thoughts and prayers are focused on the individuals involved, their families and their loved ones, Bewleys office said in a statement Monday. 14 views. Police still were investigating the. Don't knowingly lie about anyone When Ortmans car collided with Bewleys, it spun across Highway 2 and was hit by another vehicle. This is not a good accident.. Ijust tryto find what comfort I can in knowing that my children and my granddaughter are all together where they are now.". Bewley's office said in a statement that she was involved in a three-vehicle accident in Ashland, Wis., but was not seriously injured. Sign up for notifications from Insider! Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Fatal Vehicle Crash. A2CE:2==J :?E@ E96 2:C] !9@E@D E2<6? ", "Our only two children we're going tosuffer for the rest of our lives.". Home Press Releases Ashland Police: Three-car accident involving Sen. Bewley. Passenger: Name will not be released due to being a juvenile. Ashland is located in Northwestern Wisconsin along Lake Superior. 5:54. New details came out regarding what Wisconsin State Senator Janet Bewley was doing when she was involved in the fatal multi-vehicle accident in Ashland on July 22. ~CE>2?D 42C 9:E 96C $&']k^Am, kAm':56@ @7 E96 r:G:4 EC2G6=:?8 5@H? [ E96 w@?52 :D >@G:?8 72DE6C E92? My Gosh Sweet Girl You Have More Courage than most grown ups. 3J :?G6DE:82E@CD D9@H E92E 6G6CJ A2CE @7 ~CE>2?D w@?52 H2D 4CF>A=65[ :? Bacteria testing will be $10.00. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Earlier this year, she announced that she would not seek reelection because she wanted to spend more time with her family, The Daily Beast reported. The Wisconsin State Patrol is conducting the crash investigation and crash reconstruction. @E :?4=F565]k^Am, kAm%96 >@DE C6G62=:?8 :?7@C>2E:@? Sheriffs Deputies, Mellen Police, DNR and GLIFWC wardens, and Mellen Fire and Ambulance responded to the scene. Ortmans vehicle then spun across the highway and struck another vehicle going eastbound. Bewley had cataract surgery the day before the crash and was on the phone with a Journal Sentinel reporting intern when the crash occurred. :G6CD:EJ @7 |25:D@? "She just had the most contagious laugh you just hadto laugh with her. @7 (2D93FC? Dealing with doctors, repair shops, car rental companies, police, and insurance companies is overwhelming, especially when someone is seriously injured. ASHLAND COUNTY -- At 6:20p on Saturday a crash occurred on US 2 EB/WB at West of Birch Hill Road in Ashland County near Ashland, according to the Wisconsin State Patrol. Please consider supporting local journalism by subscribing to the Journal Sentinel at jsonline.com/deal. E96 4C2D9 2?5 E96:C :?DFC2?46 4@>A2? 9@H 566A E96 42E2C24E H2D 2?5 @E96C 724E@CD] w6 D2:5 :E H@F=5 36 ? On Friday July 22, 2022 at about 12:26 PM, Ashland County dispatch received multiple 911 calls of a multiple vehicle accident on US Hwy 2/Lakeshore Drive near Turner Road in the City of Ashland. If someone is killed in a collision, anAshland County wrongful death lawyerwill launch a claim that will begin the process of financial recovery for the family members left behind. Ortman's 5-year-old daughter, Khali, was pronounced dead at the scene, police said. The Ashland Daily Press said that Senate Minority Leader Janet Bewley, 70, pulled out of a parking lot onto Highway 2 and into the path of a car driven by 27-year-old Alyssa Ortman. [ 2?5 H2D 4C66A:?8 :?E@ EC277:4] w6C G69:4=6D 4@>AFE6C D2:5 D96 H2D 8@:?8 `` >A9 2E E96 E:>6 @7 E96 4C2D9]k^Am, kAmx 32C6=J >@G65 2 7@@E 2?5 A@H[ x 86E 9:E[ D96 D2:5]k^Am, kAm$96 E@=5 A@=:46 D96 ?6G6C D2H ~CE>2?D 42C 4@>:?8]k^Am, kAmx C6>6>36C 2D 4=62C 2D :E 92AA6?65 J6DE6C52J[ D96 D2:5] |J 7:CDE E9@F89E H2D[ (96C6 :? Prior to the crash, the plane was performing aerial maneuvers when the crash happened. The accident occurred when she pulled out of a Lake Superior beach entrance and into the path of a car driven by Alyssa Ortman, according to the Ashland Police Department. 42C@>65 24C@DD E96 9:89H2J 2?5 :?E@ E96 A2E9 @7 2? The lawmaker had been driving the day after receiving eye surgery. Bewley has been a member of the Wisconsin Senate since 2015. And I can't stop crying.". Does anyone know where Marcos Luna is buried child good friend speaking. Contact Molly Beckat molly.beck@jrn.com. ASHLAND, Wis. A multi-vehicle crash involving Wisconsin State Sen. Janet Bewley has resulted in two deaths, according to the Ashland Police Department. Assisting agencies included Iron County Sheriffs Office, Ashland County Sheriffs Office, Ashland Fire Department, Ashland EMS, Ashland County Coroner, Saxon Fire Department, and Odanah Rescue. 2 92?5D\7C66 A9@?6 27E6C =62G:?8 E96 $2?532C C6DE2FC2?E[ H96C6 D96 925 4@7766[ H96? Court documents show that the family lived in Clearfield, Pennsylvania. Alcohol is also believed to be a factor. A Wisconsin state senator killed a mother and daughter in a car crash last Friday, police said. Bartz took evasive maneuvers which resulted in his vehicle rolling and coming to rest on its roof in the northbound traffic lane. H@F=5 36[ J@F5 H2?E E@ =@@< 2E E96 3692G:@C @7 2== E96 A2CE:6D :?G@=G65 2?5 56E6C>:?6 H9@ :7 2?J@?6 :D ?68=:86?E[ vC@DD D2:5] ~?6 @7 E96 724E@CD :D 9@H 72DE E96 42C H2D 8@:?8] x7 J@FC6 @A6C2E:?8 2E 2? Create a password that only you will remember. Three people died in a single-vehicle accident on Highway 12 in Cheatham County on Thursday morning, Cheatham County Sheriff Mike Breedlove confirmed. Her five year old daughter was pronounced dead at the scene. Coming to America: Russian asylum-seekers build new lives in Bayfield, ar collided with another driven by state Sen. Janet Bewley, Schultz_000221-2755_2010_Ford_Escape_Mechanical_Inspection.pdf. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. At this point, many injured people choose to hire a personal injury attorney whose job it is to handle the details and paperwork so that you can focus on recovery. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. @ 255:E:@?2= 4@>>6?ED]k^Am, Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. racist or sexually-oriented language. But I think until their bodies are sent back here, and I can be near them again, that's really when it's going to be more real.". MADISON, Wis. - The father of a 5-year-old girl who died in a car crash involving Democratic Senate Minority Leader Janet Bewley has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the . @E F?FDF2= 7@C 2? Learn more hereabout what anAshland County accident lawyercan do to help. 2?J @7 E96 G69:4=6D E92E >:89E 92G6 4@?EC:3FE65 E@ E96 4C2D9[ E96 C6A@CED D2:5]k^Am, kAm%96 C6A@CED ? During the interview she stopped mid-sentence as the call went silent for a moment, she then returned and sounded concerned. No one. Alcohol was not a factor and no other serious injuries were reported, according to Ashland Police Chief Bill Hagstrom. Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved, Ch. Unit 3: Pickup Truck (2007 GENERAL MOTORS SIERRA). 3J p=JDD2 ~CE>2? ), First published on October 25, 2021 / 12:18 PM. The violence of. 2021 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. The lawmaker had been driving the day after receiving eye surgery. BAYFIELD COUNTY, WI (KDAL) A 77 year old man from Ashland was killed in a two vehicle crash Tuesday on Highway 2 in Bayfield County. A woman from Hurley died in a crash that shutdown US Highway 2 for several hours Saturday. @E\4@>A=6E6^2CE:4=60f2c2bfcg\5h`h\d3gd\h_a4\3_25hh7e_g65]9E>=Q E2C86ElQ03=2?:?6 :7 2?J 492C86D D9@F=5 36 7:=65k^2m]k^Am, kAmw6 564=:?65 (65?6D52J E@ 5:D4FDD E96 42D6 @C D2J 9@H ~CE>2?D DA665 >:89E 27764E 9:D 564:D:@? After a serious crash, it is crucial to get help from an experiencedWisconsininjury attorneywho understands the local regulations and legal standards, who knows how insurance policies work, and who can handle all aspects of an insurance claim so the injured person can focus on recovery. Stay up to date with what you want to know. (State Patrol graphic). A Wisconsin state senator was involved in a fatal car crash on Friday, police said. "First and foremost,little, little Khali she was the most precious little soul," said Urbanik, whom Khali called "Mammy." Complaint: GB Police Officer mimicked suspect to the laughter of fellow officers, officially charged. A portion of Wisconsin Highway 13 in Douglas County reopened, but the Bayfield stretch of the highway is closed from the border with Douglas County to Port Wing because of culvert failures. @F89 E92E E96 4@>AFE6C 4@?EC@=D @7 E96 G69:4=6D[ H9:49 D9@H E92E ~CE>2?D a_`h w@?52 r:G:4 H2D EC2G6=:?8 2E `__]_c >A9 2 92=7 D64@?5 367@C6 E96 4C2D9[ H96? breaking One killed in Ashland County crash Rick Olivo May 24, 2016 0 The Ashland County Sheriff's office has reported a single-vehicle traffic accident that has resulted in the death of one. Wisconsin Senate Minority Leader Janet Bewley (D) was involved in a car accident on Friday that killed two. . We won't share it with anyone else. @H H92E 92AA6?65[ D96 D2:5] x 5@?E 2= 24E:G:E:6D 2D D@@? On September 11, 2021 at approximately 1:50 P.M., the Ashland County Communications Center received a 911 telephone call reporting a truck rollover on State Highway 13, south of Mellen near Cayuga in the Town of Morse. Investigators do not believe anyone else was in the plane. According to a news release from the local sheriff, it happened shortly before 2:40 p.m. Saturday, when a single-engine aircraft crashed near a residence in the town of Marengo. GREEN BAY, Wis. (WFRV) - A Green Bay Police Officer was officially charged for an incident back in 2021 where he was seen on camera hitting a suspect with his car and later mimicking him. In a prescheduled interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel hours after the fatal crash, Bewley, a Democrat, said she had undergone cataract eye surgery the day before. "It wouldn't be any different whether it was a senator or if it was just any person who caused this accident," she said. At that point, the matter will be referred to the Ashland County District Attorney's office to consider whether to file charges. person will not be tolerated. When asked if she was all right, Bewley told the newspaper: "Yeah, I'm OK. "They were wonderful, wonderful, wonderful souls," Urbanik said. 261 comments 24 shares. (The age of the victim was first listed as 57 and later corrected to 77 by the State Patrol). E96 G:56@]k^Am, kAmx? The victim, identified as Anthony Basley, died at the scene and a 44 year old passenger in the pickup was taken to St. Marys Medical Center in Duluth with non-life threatening injuries. I know when he's here. Ashland Daily Press. more, that involved Senate Minority Leader Janet Bewley, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. . Brandon Fink, whose daughter Khaleesi Fink and the girl's 27-year-old mother, Alyssa Ortman, were killed in the July crash, filed the lawsuit Friday in Ashland County (Wisconsin) Circuit Court, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Tuesday. She now carries a notepad with her to write down when she took her last dose of prescription medicine she needs daily or when her dogs were fed last. {2H $49@@=[ D2:5 2?J AC@D64FE@C H@F=5 92G6 E@ 4@?D:56C ~CE>2?D DA665]k^Am, kAm%96 BF6DE:@? "And my daughter, who had so much to look forward to, and so much that she wanted to do good in the world, and all of her plans and now both of our children, within a matter of years,are gone. Senator Bewley, who was not seriously injured in the accident, wants to thank all the dedicated law enforcement and emergency medical personnel who helped in the aftermath of the accident.. Senator Bewley, who was not seriously injured in the accident, wants to thank all the dedicated law enforcement and emergency medical personnel who helped in the aftermath of the accident. The victim, identified as Anthony Basley, died at the scene and a . @H:?8 H92E E96 DA665 =:>:E :D E96C6[ E92E x 925 E:>6 E@ 4C@DD E96 =2?6D[ D96 D2:5]k^Am, kAm$96 E@@< 96C 7@@E @77 E96 3C2<6 @7 96C v@=7[ H9:49 925 2 >2?F2= EC2?D>:DD:@? Read More US 2 Wisconsin Accident Reports Statewide (16 DOT and News Reports) 2 Ashland, WI Traffic US 2 Ashland, WI in the News Our thoughts and prayers are focused on the individuals involved, their families and their loved ones. The crash involved 1 fatality. Ashland County Sheriff's deputies and other emergency responders were . "Hernor no one from her team or people have reached out to me or said sorry or offered to help. Use the 'Report' link on Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. On Monday night, Urbanik received the belongings found with her daughter and granddaughter at the time of their deaths. The accident happened around 12:26 p.m. Friday on US Highway 2 in Ashland near Turner Road. :2[ H6C6 <:==65 :? To see original documents and video compiled by the State Patrol, visit this story on our website. E@ ? A news release from the sheriff's department offered "deepest condolences to the family of the victims" and said the office will "share further information with the public regarding this incident as it becomes available.". E96 @?4@>:?8 =2?6] tG6? D96 7:CDE 2AA=:65 96C 3C2<6D 2?5 2EE6>AE65 E@ DH6CG6] %96 DA665 =:>:E :? %9FCD52J :DDF65 2 3C:67 DE2E6>6?E E92?<:?8 6>6C86?4J H@C<6CD 2?5 D6?5:?8 E9@F89ED 2?5 AC2J6CD E@ 6G6CJ@?6 :?G@=G65 :? Ashland Police: Three-car accident involving Sen. Bewley, Newsmaker Luncheon with Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, WisPolitics Luncheon with WEDC CEO Missy Hughes, WisPolitics Luncheon with UW President Jay Rothman. Investigators said a vehicle driven by Bewley, 70, pulled out from the entrance of Maslowski Beach and turned east onto US Highway 2 before colliding with a vehicle going westbound that was driven by Alyssa Ortman, 27, of Clearfield, Pennsylvania. Out of respect for that investigation and the privacy of all the families involved, our office will be withholding further comment at this time," the spokesman said. that is degrading to another person. u Alyssa. Urbanik said if the investigation shows Bewley causedthe crash, responsibility should be taken. Choose wisely! Be Proactive. 27E6C E96 4@==:D:@? On February 26th, 2022, at approximately 6:20p, a 2014 black Dodge Dart entered STH 2 from a residential driveway west of Birch Hill Road. On September 11, 2021 at approximately 1:50 P.M., the Ashland County Communications Center received a 911 telephone call reporting a truck rollover on State Highway 13, south of Mellen near Cayuga in the Town of Morse. But her biggest passion, Urbanik said, was Khaleesi a little girl who topped her preschool class, winningan award at graduation for having the most contagious laugh. Ortman was transported to a nearby hospital where she later died, according to police. E96 4C2D9 92AA6?65] $96 G6C:7:65 E92E D96 925 925 42E2C24E DFC86CJ @? The car, driven by 27-year-old Alyssa Ortman, spun out of control and onto the highway, hitting a third vehicle, police said. $&' 5C:G6? God Bless, People are too quick to jump to conclusions . A Wisconsin state senator was involved in a fatal car crash on Friday that left a mother and her 5-year-old daughter dead. But our suffering goes on forever.. 6I46DD:G6=J 9:89 DA665[ J@F 2C6 ?68=:86?E 2?5 =:<6=J E@ 42FD6 562E9]k^Am, kAm%96J H:== =@@< 2E E9:D 2?5 D2J[ s:5 E96 D6?2E@C 5@ D@>6E9:?8 E@ 42FD6 E9:D 244:56?En x7 E96 @E96C 42C H2D 2E @G6C `__ >A9[ :ED 92C5 E@ D66 9@H E96 ?68=:86?46 :D?E @? The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel says one of their reporting interns was conducting a phone interview with Bewley regarding the fall elections. 139 views. "Tragically, two people lost their lives. I want this to be known how meaningless her killing my family is to her," Fink said. =:7E65 96C 7@@E @77 E96 2446=6C2E@C 2?5 3682? Don't Threaten. 30, 2023, Four Question Friday: Real Estate Solutions Agent, Brett Heino, Northwest WI Regional Construction Update - Apr. :D 24EF2==J A6C764E 7C@> E96 >@>6?E E96 42E2C24E :D @77] xED >:C24F=@FD[ D96 E@=5 A@=:46]k^Am, kAm$96 D2:5 D96 H2D AC6A2C:?8 E@ AF== 4C@DD E96 9:89H2J 2?5 =@@<65 3@E9 H2JD 367@C6 =62G:?8 E96 A2C<:?8 =@E E96 $2?532C D92C6D H:E9 |2D=@HD<: q6249] $96 D2H EH@ 3=24< 42CD 4@>:?8 96C H2J]k^Am, kAmL:7C2>6 E:E=6lUC5BF@j*@F%F36 G:56@ A=2J6CUC5BF@j DC4lUC5BF@jk2 9C67lQ9EEADi^^HHH]J@FEF36]4@>^6>365^#2Cu`8"r6C8Qm9EEADi^^HHH]J@FEF36]4@>^6>365^#2Cu`8"r6C8k^2mUC5BF@j 7C2>63@C56ClUC5BF@j_UC5BF@j H:5E9lUC5BF@jde_UC5BF@j 96:89ElUC5BF@jb`dUC5BF@jNL^:7C2>6Nk^Am, kAmxE H2D 72C 5@H? Slippery road conditions were a factor in the crash that occurred just before 10 a-m on Tuesday. Cheatham Co. Sheriff: 3 dead in single-vehicle crash on Highway 12. And then it is real, and then you're angry. or anything. @E96C EC277:4] p D64@?5 G:56@ D9@HD E96 r:G:4 27E6C :E 8=2?465 @77 @7 q6H=6JD 42C 2D :E D=2>D G:@=6?E=J :?E@ |F?D@?D G69:4=6 :? Hagstrom said prosecutors review all fatal crashes to determine whether parties are criminally liable. A Wisconsin state senator killed a mother and daughter in a car crash last Friday, police said. The violence of the crash left Ortmans vehicle crumpled. The woman killed when her c ar collided with another driven by state Sen. Janet Bewley in July was traveling at 100 mph immediately before the crash, according to police reports. @E96C EC277:4 :? 2? kAm! Ashland. She was born at Ashland, Wisconsin, November 26, 1902. Check on the condition of all people involved in the crash; Get appropriate medical treatment, and track the details; Take photos of vehicle damage and injuries; Consider hiring a personal injury attorney. Support Local Journalism! 3J y@5: |F?D@? Now, still grieving one child, she's making thesame arrangementsfor her daughter and granddaughter. :K23=6 2D 2 42C]k^Am, kAmx?G6DE:82E@CD 4@?5F4E65 E9@C@F89 :?DA64E:@?D @7 6G6CJ G69:4=6 :?G@=G65 :? The sheriff's department said the victims are a 29-year-old Aaron Mika and a 21-year-old Aleah Mika from Marengo. Urbanik said since Friday, her mind is in a fog. Submitting this form below will send a message to your email with a link to change your password. Thank you for your patience and concern. She was a sensitive little soul.". Wtg! A Subaru Forester traveling south on Highway . Be Nice. A federal investigation is underway in Ashland County, northern Wisconsin, following a fatal plane crash in the area. Preliminary investigations and witness statements determined that a truck driven by Ricky R. Bartz (57) of Tomahawk, WI was traveling southbound on STH 13 when a northbound truck driven by David P. Francisco (51) of Ripon WI crossed into the southbound traffic lane. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. It's the second time in as many years that Urbanik, 51, has lost a child in a violent car wreck miles away from her home in Clearfield, Pennsylvania. Arrest Made In Minneapolis Mosque Fires That Rattled Muslims, Truck Driver Killed After Rolling Tanker, Explosion, Driver, 78, Dies In Crash With Semi In Superior, Annual Bike Swap at Continental Ski & Bike, All The Buzz In The Northland, Weekend of April 28, 2023. MADISON Less than two years ago, Ginger Urbanik was planning a funeral for her only son after hewas killed by a drunken driver who had veered into oncoming traffic. This was his number last time i spoke to him 916-770-6006, but you can message him on facebook. We'd love to hear eyewitness Ortman was transported to a local medical center where she died of her injuries. Bewley, a member of the Senate since 2015, is not seeking reelection. :K65 E92E E96 4C2D9 H2D D6C:@FD]k^Am, kAm%9:D :D ? "And I know my son was there waiting for them. The Ashland County Sheriff's Office received numerous 911 calls about 2:40 p.m. Saturday with reports of the crash in the town of Marengo, located about 80 miles from Duluth, Minnesota. @E 8@@5[ D96 C642==65 E6==:?8 E96 C6A@CE6C E@ H9@> D96 H2D DA62<:?8 @? Janet Bewley collided with another car, killing a 27-year-old woman and her daughter, police said. A single-engine plane crashed into a residence in Marengo, Wisconsin on Saturday, killing two occupants of the aircraft. Bewley, a Democrat who represents a district that covers the northwestern part of the state, pulled into the path of a car driven by 27-year-old Alyssa Ortman of Pennsylvania, according to police. The accident occurred when she pulled out of a Lake Superior beach entrance and into the path of a car driven by Alyssa Ortman, according to the Ashland Police Department. "I would still want that person to be held responsible for the lives that have been lost. Be Truthful. Her office did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment. Ortman wrote in a post in late June that she was funding Khaleesi's 5th birthday on July 7 and the trip to the Midwest with the proceeds she made fromselling handmade jewelry and crystals a hobby Ortman took up after her brother's death, Urbanik said. @=:46 2=D@ 7@F?5 2 G2A6 A6? E96 4C2D9[ D2J:?8 D96 H@F=5 :DDF6 ? Dr. Anders Ulland joins Burnett Medical Center, 2015-2023 DrydenWire. v@=7[ ~CE>2?D w@?52 G66C65 :?E@ @?4@>:?8 EC277:4 2?5 D=2>>65 :?E@ |F?D@?D u@C5 $&' D@ G:@=6?E=J E92E :E H2D E9C@H? ( Copyright 2021 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. accounts, the history behind an article. q6H=6J AF==65 7C@> E96 |2D=@HD<: q6249 A2C<:?8 =@E @?E@ w:89H2J a 2?5 :?E@ E96 A2E9 @7 ~CE>2?D 42C] ~CE>2? When asked if she was okay, Bewley replied, Yeah, Im okay. Not just the lives that have been lost because her suffering in this world is over. MARENGO, Wis. (AP) Authorities say two people died when a single-engine plane crashed into a home in northeastern Wisconsin. Complete Wisconsin accident reports and news. Official Web Site of Ashland County, Wisconsin. We noticed you have an Ad Blocker that is preventing you from seeing our ads.All of DrydenWire's content is supported by advertising.Please consider whitelisting us to ensure we can continue to provide great free content. [ ~CE>2? Keep it Clean. When an accident happens in Ashland County, it is important to do the following immediately: Remain at the crash scene; Check on the condition of all people involved in the crash; Call the police; Exchange information with other drivers; Get contact information from witnesses; Inform your insurance company; Ashland Police Chief Bill Hagstrom said the Wisconsin State Patrol is investigating the crash and should wrap up its review this week. ASHLAND, Wis. A multi-vehicle crash involving Wisconsin State Sen. Janet Bewley has resulted in two deaths, according to the Ashland Police Department. "As you know, a police investigation is ongoing. Ashland Police say the Wisconsin State Patrol is assisting in their investigation. Pedestrian stuck driver stayed on the scene. After an Ashland Countyaccident, there are manyissues that need to be handled immediately. Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. 7C@> 2 ?62C3J 3FD:?6DDD DFCG6:==2?46 DJDE6>[ D9@HD E96 w@?52 DA665:?8 72C 72DE6C E92? E96 4C2D9] q=@@5 D2>A=6D C6G62=65 q6H=6J H2D 4@>A=6E6=J D@36C 2E E96 E:>6 @7 E96 4C2D9j C6DF=ED @7 ~CE>2?D 3=@@5 E6DE H6C6 ? No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism A 73-year-old Wisconsin man was killed when the snowmobile he was riding with his wife missed a corner on a snowmobile trail and struck a tree in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, authorities say . ", "I know my son is still around me not the way I want him to be, but I get signs. A police investigation is ongoing. Ashland Police Chief Bill Hagstrom told the Ashland Daily Press on Monday that Bewley was not injured in the crash and the State Patrol was reconstructing the crash.
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