slatestarcodex autism

Under Murphy wrote: disorders like huntingtons where its theorized that theres a tradeoff between risk of death and IQ. E.g. From a certain perspective, it merges with normal. Maybe this is old news to most people, so I wont belabor that point any more, but what about the link between high IQ and a different immune function? Im not sure what you mean by normal. I would file this under partly true. A 120 year old comes into my office and asks what her risk of death next year is. My problem with this kind of model is that some people are geniuses but dont have autism. As a result, we could have similar imbalances. He used to claim that he had an advantage in the ring because his muscle was all-natural, which made him stronger than people who got equally buff from working out. Why would you doubt it if you dont have the data? 46.8k members in the slatestarcodex community. Her claim was that autistics often did *way* better on Ravens than on the multiple subtest kind of IQ test. How much of this could be IQ tests failing to effectively measure g in autistic individuals? I have not read the other comments, so maybe someone already pointed this out, but I wish to file a complaint. Etc. In a few cases, the parent gets the de novo mutation, but for whatever reason doesnt develop autism, and then passes it onto their child, who does develop autism. But studies show autistic people generally have lower intelligence than neurotypical controls, often much lower. If anything, theres a slight positive correlation between the two. Getting more education is strongly correlated with later childbearing / siring. I work with with a lot of very smart people, and have throughout my career. There is no reason to think that e.g. Above a certain level of gain, the system _wants_ to break down. At times she has been productively employed in a technological field. Naive, narcissistic, completely detached from human interaction. Possible metaphor: overclocking your computer a bit makes it better (faster), but push it too far and you start getting weird random crashes and end up getting less work done overall. If Ronemus isnt missing some obscure de novo mutations, then people who get autism solely by accumulation of common (usually IQ-promoting) variants still end up less intelligent than average. a sort of arrangement where if you pick up to four of them you get enhanced intelligence, five or six and you get high-functioning intelligent autism, and seven or more and your brain crashes on boot-up and the autism stops you from functioning. For example, they are not extremely aggressive, but tend to be gentle individuals. Or the dad may have left or tuned out because he couldnt handle the situation (but could have handled a socially inept kid who wont shut up about WWI airplane models). A bit of motivation before asking a question: my boss has a daughter. I dont know. But they can only screen for de novo mutations they know about, and it could be that they just missed some. So one model is that we should see two things happening at once, as a result of the assortative mating by IQ thats been going on for a couple generations now in the US: a. This is just the cystic fibrosis thing again, isnt it? The Effective Altruism newsletter provides monthly updates on the highest-impact ways to do good and help others. The brain has hyperparameters, just like an artificial neural network. Has paternal/maternal age been eliminated as cofounding factor from parents IQ/autism correlation? Dr. Laura Baur is a psychiatrist with interests in literature review, reproductive psychiatry, and relational psychotherapy; see her website for more. the genetic load would be due to bad luck in parent mixing (recessive-recessive pairs) and parent age. Could you elaborate? Trump = President Camacho, the contemporary media is just as idiotic as the media in that movie, etc. Disguised in that almost is a very slight tendency for fathers to be unusually intelligent, plus a (statistically insignificant) tendency for them to be unusually unintelligent. The genes that increase risk of autism are disproportionately also genes that increase intelligence, and vice versa (~100% confidence), 2. Higher IQ people have lower infant mortality rates than lower IQ people. Maybe one bias from my statement is Im young, and many of my smart friends are also young. More, by that point your identity probably includes significant aspects which make the idea of becoming normal and predictable less personally palatable. for which certain genetic inputs might be extremely valuable but there are numerous different ways to arrive at the end point of being good at the game, and numerous different ways that even people genetically gifted in some important capacity can end up being bad at playing the overall game. Its not difficult to guess what someones response would be to many chit-chat topics. He visually learned letter and number orders before turning 2. Graph B is the same thing, but with people have have autism with intellectual disability. Low IQ people are more likely to end up dead or in jail, and are less likely to be in stable nuclear families. Has anyone here actually met a highly intelligent person who is genuinely normal? The latter are the Feynman types: Goofballs with a myriad of weird interests (Feynman was into playing the Bongo drums and the short lifed Soviet Republic Tannu Tuva, among other things). High-functioning autism looks more like the same polygenetic soup one finds with other complex personality characteristics like intelligence or Big Five character traits. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. several essentailly different things being lumped together under the label autism spectrum. ABA research, like autism research in general, suffers from an appalling lack of rigor. Theres a range for this parameter, selection in the past has left most of the population too low, but if you push the parameter up too high things will break. It could be one of the categorization problems Scott was talking about in Against Against Autism Cures. If youre not low-functioning but dont have strong enough autistic traits to be clearly a high-functioning autistic, you dont have autism youre just a little weird? It seems that a process like this could conceptually produce an artificial bimodal distribution, even if the traits arent bimodally distributed. The top level of any domains is so hard that most people cant judge anything about it. A reasonable guess there is that the smartest engineer on the pyramid project was not much dumber than the smartest engineer working on the Apollo projectthey came up with brilliant one-off solutions to their problems, which didnt stick around because there wasnt much use for them in day-to-day building problems. I used to live in the DC area and still work with the civil service in my current job. What is the point of arbitrary social rituals? One other effect of this change in labelling, is that studies of autistics before and after the renaming cant be combined into any kind of meta-study, unless they are both much more detailed in their description of the grouyp they are measuring, and happen to target the same people. Several studies have shown a genetic link between autism and intelligence; genes that contribute to autism risk also contribute to high IQ. also, i just read through the swedish study cited in the post. If its just intelligence is good up to some point, then you get autism, how do you explain intelligence sometimes going way past that point without autism? IQb + low genetic load : extremely high intelligence, slight or undetectable autistic tendencies, strongly tenchnically inclined He is the most Civil Servicy person around. Slate Star Codex (SSC) was a blog focused on science, medicine (especially within psychiatry ), philosophy, politics, and futurism. In this model, theres a ceiling to your intellectual ability thats set by each of those components. Maybe youre thinking of sickle cell anemia? And we know that theres differential infant mortality rates. The same principle can be applied to genetic traits. In this study, however, we see strong heterogeneity of genetic overlap with other traits when our ASD samples are broken into distinct subsets. Giftedness makes people more idiosyncratic. My wifes father (an engineer) is likely autistic. A link between Tay-Sachs gene and intelligence. Scott mentions selection bias, with people diagnosed as autistic being more likely to be the low-functioning ones, but then he seems fairly dismissive of its importance. Figuring out the causes of neurotypicality in intelligent people would go a long way, but its hard even to measure how neurotypical a given smart person is. If I suggest autism is effectively what we call people whose mental resolution (in the sense of pixels per inch) is too high, would that make sense to you? The blog was written by Scott Alexander Siskind, [1] a San Francisco Bay Area psychiatrist, [2] under the pen name Scott Alexander. Altruisto is a browser extension so that when you shop online, a portion of the money you pay goes to effective charities (no extra cost to you). It could be that geniuses are less visible with more obscure achievements because they work behind-the-scenes at institutions, whether universities or corporations. For one thing, the same studies that found that relatives of autistic patients had higher IQs find that the autistic patients themselves have much lower ones. I believe this is also the case for artificial neural networks, unless you are in pathological regimes that are too unstable to be useful. What do SSC readers think? Lets say for example that parameter A is the learning rate in the part of the brain that deals with reasoning. Based on those two correlations, I would be very surprised if it didnt add up to a correlation between predisposition for autism and children later in life. Intelligence is clearly not a neat and predictable thing, at least beyond certain broad generalizations or thresholds. Every year, we get like 4 or 5 students who are just ready for hardcore abstract mathematics from the get go, and since a few years my university allows them to take masters level lectures as early as they want. The odds of him actually having Narcissistic Personality Disorder or any kind of Autistic Spectrum Disorder are close to 0. Increased parental age correlates with autism risk, AIUI. I could easily see someone unable to focus, stuck in a room banging their head just trying to make the noise go away. My bosses at my last job (normal modulo their ethnic origin). First, these two children were the only children where my wife was working while she was pregnant. Most of my coworkers (except for the youngest ones) are married, and many have children. As the authors put it: Because the ASD diagnosis is defined by just two symptoms from an individuals complete set of symptoms, an ASD-defined sample is widely over-inclusive, capturing many different lifelong conditions that can arise from a complex combination of multiple genetic and environmental factors (Dawson 2016, para. This gene developed in Africa, and can be seen as a fundamental reason for the transatlantic slave trade. Id say so. This can lead to bullying and social isolation, which in the long term can cause depression and the failure to learn social customs. I never liked that. You mentioned height, which I think is a good example too we have studies (possibly not good ones) showing that taller people have better outcomes, get treated nicer, are more attractive but people who get too tall have bad medical problems, shorter life expectancy. But such an explanation is premature. Hence the need to go along with pointless social rituals. Interesting. They've also got a blog about what they're doing here. One of our children is an Asperger (labelled as high functioning autistic in the DSM). Wheat something something something autism and schizophrenia. First, the studies. We have limited time to dedicate to know these genius, and a big part of it is dedicated to old ones. I am known as a word smith (and its an important part of my career, but Im not in journalism). A lot of dog breeds, particularly those that are very small (like Teacup Yorkies), very large (like Great Danes), or otherwise very different from the default canine somatoform (like Pugs), tend to suffer from health problems at a vastly higher rate than mutts or more natural breeds (e.g. (Although, arent gene-behavior connections in general pretty suspect, as per your previous post?) In particular, this aligns well with the observation that de novo variants are more frequently observed in ASD cases with intellectual disability compared to cases without comorbid intellectual disability, that IQ correlates positively with family history of psychiatric disorders92 and that severe intellectual disability (encompassing many syndromes that confer high risk to ASD) show far less heritability than is observed for mild intellectual disability93, intelligence in general94 and ASDs. This fits with my observations of my family (parents, siblings, kids) and other science majors in college. the kind of social impairment characteristic of bright but shy and social awkward people has much if anything to do at a deep level with the impairment experienced by non-verbal children with profound intellectual disabilities, despite the fact that we have built a social system that applies a similar label to both. Perhaps this is an obvious point with an obvious answer, but wouldnt female prevalence of diagnosed autism be expected to be markedly lower? Can we quantify the causality going the other way? Also, if anything, it would be self-control thats being selected against by modern reproductive behaviors, not intelligence. High IQ, excellent at math, maybe a little socially awkward but not too bad (we live in a reasonably large town, so there are lots of like-minded kids he can socialize with.) He taught himself the alphabet before he was 1 year old. One possibility would be something like a tower-vs-foundation model. Like everyone else, they find autism risk genes are positively correlated with years of schooling completed, college completion, and IQ. Thats exactly what we observe here. Optimizing a complicated biological machinery thing to do whatever intelligence is most likely a very difficult thing for that machine to do. If you get much past that, all intelligible sound will cease and be replaced by a terrible noise that wasnt exhibited _anywhere_ prior in the range of the knob. If the extreme male brain hypothesis is true, then those girls have unusually masculinized brains. Beware Simpsons Paradox. (2) Genes associated with autism arent being selected for Genes are not something where you can say, this is good, more of it will be better. There is then a threshold effect with enough perceptual ability and intelligence, the developing brain finds ways to route around the broken normal processes to get stuff done. Not just running an emulation of normal to deal with other people? My experience watching a relative currently diagnosed with severe, non-verbal autism grow up is that his diagnosis is a catch-all for he doesnt seem capable of abstract thought but we have ruled out all the other, better-understood potential causes. No one can offer more than conjecture about the cause of his condition, and no one knows how to treat it (unless you listen to the vaccine-chelation charlatans the way that his father does) so why is the medical establishment making confident claims regarding the connection between his condition and high-functioning autism? Take these away and you arrive at something that seems like an effortless confidence and freedom. I suspect that this is the case. You dont need a tower-and-foundation model to explain how both higher than usual prevalence of intelligence-associated genes in autistic individuals and extremely intelligent non-autistic people. This seems a possible explanation, if high-IQ parents have children significantly later, I like the tower explanation, but not so much the different types of intelligences: maybe autism is a combination of rare IQ-boosting alleles inherited from parents, together with high general genetic load (which, among other detrimental effects, decrease IQ, negating the IQ-boosting alleles). A mutation in the pigment for the red cone allows a person to see two shades of red. Having more diverse cones means that they can differentiate shades of red that other people would see as identical. But you know what really has provided a massive survival advantage over the last few millenia of people clumping up together in cities? Within our filter bubble, people have similar levels of status, so they can be smart but not charismatic or charismatic but not smart. I have a female acquaintance who was diagnosed with autism. The Charman et al study finds a correlation between autism and low IQ, by starting with a sample of autistic people and looking at their IQs. I am not, but we both initially bonded over (I dont know a way to put this delicately or more exactly) being objectively very smart people that dont perform intelligence very well, albeit different ways. Genes which are helpful until you have too many of them, at which point you are screwed. I am not saying they have the full disorder (and no its not a partisan snipe, except to the extent that being very skeptical of the US bureaucratic class is partisan). I have a day job and SSC gets free hosting, so don't feel pressured to contribute. The Western world (taken to mean Europe and the Anglosphere) comprises roughly 1/6th of the global population, which means there should be about 125,000 Westerners who are both incredibly smart and incredibly charismatic. Theres a question if you want to go really far out, outside the modern human range, and you might get unforeseen side effects. This shows a) there isnt much of a childhood autism epidemic going on, its more likely that previous underdiagnosis occurred. * Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration The autism epidemic may have been caused by assortative mating (people with subclinical autism marrying other people with subclinical autism producing children who are autistic) The sort of people that would do polygenic scoring for IQ are exactly the sort of people whose children might already be at risk for autism (high systemisers) Why on Earth one would assume that the effect of genes that contribute to IQ should be linearly additive and increasing to ad infinitum? How much do we know about how intelligence develops and what might impact it? No background in finance required. Poor people have a higher infant mortality rate than rich people do. As long as I kept useful inventions flowing out of my lab, I think hed pay me well and insulate me from social criticism. It is where his bread is buttered professionally, but I wish he would think more deeply about it. My office mate is a big sports fan who cares a lot about his yard and house and is a fairly partisan Democratand whos also a mathematician who plays folk music and speaks several languages. GS-14 speaking, and Im not exactly normal either. For example, girls were much less likely to receive an Aspergers diagnosis than boys, and girls were more likely to be diagnosed at an older agea disparity that points to bias. Our 2nd, 4th, and 5th children are not autistic, so parent age doesnt seem to have played a role in our case (though we were both relatively young even for our fifth, at 36 and 35.). 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slatestarcodex autism