The self-assessment tool is given for each group below. The National Conference will be based around 14 Zones listed below each headed up by a senior PiXL leader. 0000005846 00000 n The PiXL leadership approach is aimed at helpingthe Raising Standards Leader improve life chances and outcomes., *SAVE THE DATE* In launching these groups, it was important that students were likely to succeed: I wanted to build upon successes thinking that gaining positive momentum for these students would help to change their mindsets around attending school. 0000008787 00000 n This site uses cookies to enhance your experience. 0 Raising Standards Leader. Concisely, PIXL-1 is a technology demonstrator for the optical demonstration payload in the framework of the OSIRIS program. The children really enjoyed showing their loved ones around and involving them in play and activities. To carry out careful analysis of performance data for all subjects in relation to Year 10 and to #scooter #skateboarding, Happy Birthday Habeeb, Layl, Sienna, Clara and Alfie who have all celebrated their birthdays recently. They receive points from Reward Points and positive comments from teachers. To arrange a visit and increase the chance of a successful application email Supporting schools at Key Stage 3 and 4 PiXL started as an organisation working with secondary schools in London, but now our work stretches across the UK and overseas. New materials on leadership for the RSL and a newly defined role, the MCL (Making Change Leader), which will incorporate the character and culture work we started over 5 years ago. $('#cookie_settings').on('click', function(event) { They got their industrial policy right and are now the world leader in many areas exporting their global brands such as Samsung, LG, KIA, and Hyundai and culture such K-POP, even the president Show more . More info on the OSIRIS research programme, within which CubeLCT was developed, can be found here. Strategies for these students need to target their lack of effort to raise students, engagement and motivation levels and address negative learning behaviours. The beauty of PiXL is that you can pick and mix what you need and make it work for your school; you can be as PiXL as you want to be it's a continuum. Alongside the pastoral team, I call these students on a bi-weekly basis to update them on their progress, give them feedback and points totals. You can accept or reject any non-mandatory cookies using the buttons here. endstream endobj startxref You will be the future for our children and committed to give every young person the very best I identified 12 PP or. Moorland Primary School, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK6 4ND, Raising standards teacher Job description .pdf - 166 KB (opens in new tab), Raising standards teacher Job Spec.pdf - 131 KB (opens in new tab), Raising Standards leader Advert .pdf - 255 KB (opens in new tab), Moorland Primary School website (opens in new tab), (opens in new tab), Implementing the PiXL Four House teams, of 3-4 students, battle over a week for the highest number of points. At Moorland Primary School, 0000351248 00000 n Harnessing the wisdom of heads who led before, during and after the pandemic, these sessions will include some content relevant to Pandemic Heads and also the support of a like-minded network. Wed also like to use analytics cookies so we can understand how you use the service and make improvements. PiXL will continue to improve the education system and culture of the schools, Sixth Forms and colleges who introduce and embed their strategies, as it has already. Selection was a careful process. #physicaleducation #backtoschool, The children had a lovely time at the Christmas lunch today and enjoyed eating alongside their teachers. PiXL started as an organisation working with secondary schools in London, but now our work stretches across the UK and overseas. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Well done! #Kentlife, Happy Birthday to Theo T, Arjun, Lilly-Rose, Harry and Theo A who all celebrate birthdays this week! Website Design by e4education The children played team games and tried a range of athletics events. xref I've worked with PiXL for 8 years now and every meeting leaves me inspired to try new ideas, reassured about things my school is doing well and resolved to continually do better for the young people in my school. }). 0000266143 00000 n <<479329FE147C774CA13AFD9D976A4B23>]/Prev 359762>> It is our aim to facilitate growth, development, innovation and efficiency in the implementation of public policy and delivery of public services. Hope you had a great birthday! Implementing the PiXL approaches and lead on delivery of PiXL; Oversee the overall academic progress of all students at Moorland; Ensure students are encouraged to fulfil potential . They happen fourtimes a year. 19 Character education: L.O.R.I.C. We support you throughout your membership through our associate model, our national conferences, RSL networking hubs and subject conferences, and by providing you with weekly communications and monthly RSL calendars. The response from our community has been wonderful with residents saying the children's poems brightened their day and they appreciated their efforts! In your role as Raising Standards Leader (RSL) you will lead from the classroom and significantly impact and improve the life chances and outcomes of our pupils. In launching these groups, it was important that students were likely to succeed: I wanted to build upon successes thinking that gaining positive momentum for these students would help to change their mindsets around attending school. Keep your eyes peeled for more information on how to get your child involved. These are short reflections about leadership. Email to arrangeto attend the next one as a guest school. 0000002642 00000 n PiXLs work is truly remarkable and has been a saviour and sanctuary of common sense and really useful strategies at a time of madness! The RSL line manages a TLR holder who monitors Years 7-9 so that a whole school strategy can be effectively deployed. PiXL has been a huge support network for our academies during these challenging times and has guided us, assisted us and provided us with resources to support our leaders, teachers and pupils. Students in Accelerate demonstrate high effort, but are not making expected progress. Through our leadership approach of appointing a Raising Standards Leader (RSL), setting a Wildly Important Goal (WIG), conducting a pre-mortem and then charting progress towards the WIG, we help you make the change you want to see, happen., Happy Birthday to Ava, Charles, Alexis and Teddie ! progress of all students at Moorland, Ensure students are The PiXL team listen to us, take on feedback, ask us what we need and adapt their research and provision in order to suit all of our schools different needs. Adeyfield Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 5JS, Church Green, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2TP, School Lane, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN29 7AZ, Chandos Road, Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, MK18 1AP, Get a job alert when similar jobs are listed, Find more school jobs in Milton Keynes and Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes. Student progress would be measured by the questionnaire, as well as their effort and progress. 0000001481 00000 n Children from Year R wrapped up warm & enjoyed making snow angels and building a snow man. Lutterworth High School in Leicestershire became an Academy in August 2011 and within a year, were rated Outstanding by Ofsted. Year 1 complete this process in the summer term. #handwriting #diamondaward One of the ways we do this is through our School of PiXL Leadership, which offers leadership development opportunities as part of the subscription and alsoadditional opportunities at an extra cost. endstream endobj 229 0 obj <>/Metadata 16 0 R/Pages 226 0 R/StructTreeRoot 47 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 248 0 R>> endobj 230 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 595.32 841.92]/Parent 226 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 231 0 obj <>stream In doing this, the RSL supports staff in their understanding of PIXL and how to use it effectively. , the teams would gather weekly for the final reveal of points!). HMK@{LgvgDDPCm6 As part of the subscription, all PiXL schools have access toleadership-focused special events like 'In Conversation With' and bespoke offers each year. To mark its 75th anniversary, we look at the life of photographer Yevegny Khaldei, and how he took one of the most iconic images of the 20th Century. 3 0 obj My respect for PiXL has grown and grown. Executive Headteacher, PiXL Primary school. 0000006925 00000 n Student progress would be measured by the questionnaire, as well as their effort and progress. $('.cookie_information__icon').trigger('click'); PiXL is completely driven by its values and moral purpose, acting solely in the interests of the young people in our schools by helping and supporting staff to choose the most appropriate, evidence-informed strategies and resources for their students. Of course, consideration should be given to children who require specialist support so all children can access their assessments, where possible. Raising one's standard of living seems a desire so familiar to us that we do not hesitate to judge it common to people at any place and time. trailer Understanding of business issues, objectives and implementation of sustainable . majority of pupils are now making at least good progress. . Membership subscription fees cover the academic year from 1st September 2022to 31st August 2023. It is a role which necessitates a passion for the highest standards and an ability to motivate others to achieve measurable improvements in student progress. You may also sign up to receive additional Exclusive Leadership Content directly to your inbox. The opportunity to work with such a strong, supportive, diverse team of highlyskilled professionals from across the country, as a PiXL family, has been a very valuable experience in developing the breadth and depth of my knowledge and skillset, both as a teacher and a leader. relationships are established and maintained with parents. Tailor-made for all types of schools, Engage applicants & save time with the leading online admissions software, Intelligently and accurately process bursaries online, Effortlessly track and approve bursary request for Year 12s & 13s, Efficiently manage registrations for the 11+ Exam, Unify & modernise admissions across your schools, An online system to completely revolutionise your Options management. We have used PiXL in our personal development package, in our interventions, in whole school teaching and learning CPD and with our staff through PiXL Change. We are committed to ensuring that every child feels valued and we will always aim to provide high quality learning opportunities to enable every child to succeed and become passionate and resilient learners. PiXL - Zone 8 My presentation: Download here: 0000003552 00000 n If you are a courageous and resilient teacher I identified 12 PP or disadvantaged students with attendance below 95%, who were not already receiving personalised support from our Attendance Officer or their Community Leader. 0000010212 00000 n Each following session would tackle one of these areas, and our attendance gains. 7z0gygr!^HBD%R`Hkd(Jy"/U$0jn(#=0rU,Mu cL#s;Gm](k>j6cThRr=:J)X)Z:!Hu(i7Y'|=kQ06l\@;ZY ofj^{E#>]S $$I-g_d-x(\Jtj;[k{f[jT{xjHsOr9\Flx7/e^'[@8vU0 PTW This has been at the heart of what we do and is still the case today. The children made traditional Mexican tacos, most of the children were incredibly adventurous and tried a whole host of new ingredients; whilst also sharpening up on their knife skills! can be worth the equivalent of an additional +7 months progress when used well The potential impact of these approaches is very high, particularly for. The beauty of PiXL is that you can pick and mix what you need and make it work for your school; you can be as PiXL as you want to be it's a continuum. assessment tool is given for each group below. }); Zest, Grit, Determination ,B?t,'*~ VJ{Awe0W7faNH >dO js Their approach of diagnosis, therapy, testing and revisiting enables us to easily identify childrens next steps on a one-to-one, small group and whole-class basis and then tailor our interventions and whole-class teaching to fill their gaps. The EEF cites metacognition as one of the best strategies for improving student progress: it can be worth the equivalent of an additional +7 months progress when used well The potential impact of these approaches is very high, particularly for disadvantaged pupils. Website Design by e4education Lutterworth High has implemented many of the PiXL initiatives which have helped to raise standards. You will engage with PIXL Strategies and liaise with other leaders in order to share and develop . #stayandplaysession, Happy Birthday Lois, Pollyanna, Emma and Abigail who have all celebrated their birthdays recently. event.preventDefault(); The boundary leaper analysis lets us suggest which Pods are appropriate and the Pods are short enough to cover lots of ground very quickly. Their approach of diagnosis, therapy, testing and revisiting enables us to easily identify childrens next steps on a one-to-one, small group and whole-class basis and then tailor our interventions and whole-class teaching to fill their gaps. #birthday, The children enjoyed taking part in a scooter and skateboarding session this morning run by team Rubicon. application. Post-16 support and resources are top quality the adaptability of resources makes tailoring them to your students straightforward. Here at Moorland Primary School we have a duty of care to ensure that all users of the school are kept safe from harm. Well Done! >t,Uv+2M>P. @redbreastedbird Yes please, this would be wonderful. Week 1 - The Promotion. Students in Ambition are making progress, but not putting in any effort. The children were an asset to Holborough Lakes Primary School. With thanks to our data team, the HQ was generated by SIMs data, based on teacher awarded grades in comparison to their target grades (progress), attitude to and behaviour for learning (effort). next stages of learning and determined to succeed. 0000001745 00000 n Established Middle Leader Programme:for middle leaders who have been in their current role for 2-5 years and who might be aspiring to Senior Leadership roles in the next few years. Revision at Lutterworth has focused on general motivation and the GCSEPod reports and statistics on usage, especially those that act as a competitive push, give the students a stimulus and drive stamina. 2 0 obj -1!o7! ' Ripon, HG4 1AL, 2023 The PiXL Club Company Registration number: 07321607. The PiXL team are always open to suggestions and strive to ensure hard-working and innovative staff have a support base. demonstrate the credibility, warmth and positivity needed to quickly add value #mincepies, Elois is working towards a diamond, standards, handwriting presentation award. 12 0 obj <> endobj, Happy birthday to Gabriel, Hazel, Isreal, Mila, Javier, Ralph, Joshua, Max and Saiya who have all celebrated birthdays recently. Standards Leader (RSL) you will lead from the classroom and significantly - Vice Principal - Raising Standards Leader / PIXL Associate . Through our leadership approach of appointing a Raising Standards Leader (RSL), setting a Wildly Important Goal (WIG), conducting a pre-mortem and then charting progress towards the WIG, we help you make the change you want to see, happen. Our Community system is our pastoral framework, similar to the traditional House systems. endobj Further research led me to the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). Analyse regularly the progress and achievement of all students and report on this to the Senior 247 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<37318563C036A84E9710BF1955239866><65F7C44197E5F048A122CDDDBECBBFD1>]/Index[228 42]/Info 227 0 R/Length 99/Prev 162368/Root 229 0 R/Size 270/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Copyright 2022 Applicaa LTD, All Rights Reserved, Revolutionary school onboarding CRM solutions. In doing this, the RSL supports staff in their understanding of PIXL and how to use it effectively. We have an ethos in which children and adults can feel safe, are valued, respected, and listened to. The Horsforth Quadrant (HQ) was devised by Horsforth School, West Yorkshire, and developed further by PiXL (see GCSEPod for further details). $('.cookie_information__icon').trigger('click'); Leadership & Management School Beliefs We believe in Excellence for All. Furthermore, our system celebrates the values of close-knit communities, which are further promoted by our close ties with our external communities. Another National Lockdown was announced, with only vulnerable students and the children of key workers allowed to come into school. Privacy Policy Cookie Settings 0000004987 00000 n school. we are determined to give our children every chance to realise their potential. Students in Action receive personalised support from the pastoral team. This groups students by their effort and progress (see Figure One). Raising every student's aspirations and supporting them to achieve their goals. Raising Standards Leader Overview The core function of the RSL is to ensure the best possible outcomes and progress for all our students in every year group. q9ZIDvccGET\ZD@ = M, The Pods are no nonsense and cover exactly what they say they do, as well as discriminating clearly between Higher and Foundation content. Sessions contain a mixture of presentations from experienced leaders,small group discussions, practical top tips and an opportunity to build your professional network: Raising Standards Leader Programme: lookingatthe most effective leadership approaches and behaviours that lead to real impact as an RSL. to improving outcomes. 0000006348 00000 n Further research led me to the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). (In normal school, the teams would gather weekly for the final reveal of points!)., Year 3 and 4 had a great day at Leeds Castle, exploring the grounds and meeting the birds of prey! GCSEPod has also supported students independent learning as it enables them to get a brief burst of teacher style direction and focus when away from school and the classroom. PiXL - Raising Standards Leader on Vimeo PiXL - Raising Standards Leader Not Yet Rated 8 years ago Spiel Creative Upload, livestream, and create your own videos, all in HD. Choose your conference sessions. in a significantly deprived area where 56% of pupils receive pupil premium. Everything we do is around helping young people achieve a better future and brighter hope and to support you, as school leaders, to make this a reality. It was developed to measure students mindsets around and strategies for learning. Within this project, the DLR-IKN and TESAT . Being a Raising Standards Leader My journey as a newly appointed Raising Standards Leader in a Secondary School Posts. Every zone will offer a real range of presentations, workshops, Be inspirational talks and the chance to hear about and reflect on the best practice surrounding inspired the key issues related to each zone. I created the initiatives to launch in January 2021: you will know the plot twist coming! hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(5539127, '78c4de75-4bb5-403f-8847-467865e43336', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Get exclusive offers, insights and learning resources direct to your inbox. Schools, staff and children lie at the heart of everything they do. The, P8 scores are highly sensitive to changes in absence rates for disadvantaged pupils. They were immersed in a Victorian Classroom where they wrote on chalk boards and sat at wooden desks! hmk8^rY2,4iv74{4#;mZ]R[4FR{1 +)P*f#fa2!4 :&x&Lx-9^P1-F:M2*e**L)/X.fjPzzqq}+l{LDwE]WuVJA9bR?2ly1}ly#vldJFr^_\/qcviq=|?8(gy.y49/nF3no(zU*'RZ,toRJb6${FXC1-|( W]fm*Pjd.PTqvN28xq9)b=,e=G5kEQ0Fx~ cQ02w)[iLC Cs3qO6l\Cs-E(f q.N )v:xJ@%l< *[??C4{KAuEUY?.Q(QtR!JS9-C4411Jrcz# 2?o8@c=2VF"Ir%`)R72O$hy##f^2e. Privacy Policy Cookie Settings }); Soundbite Learning 2023. Ground floor office We truly believe that "Together we can" Copyright 2020 GovNet. The role of the Raising Standards Leader, Miss Daniels, is to ensure the best possible outcomes and progress for all our children across KS1 and KS2. Inside Government takes great pride in serving our public and voluntary sector communities through hubs that provide events, training courses, resources and insights. They inspire teachers of all levels of experience. #scholastic #books #Reading, Family Trust attended our school today to perform a Christmas Panto. To be a member of the Learning Team acting as a whole school raising standards leader ensuring all Pixl processes are embedded and drive the development of the role of the Raising Standards Leaders 7. approaches and lead on delivery of PiXL, Oversee the overall academic In your role as Raising The Champions League faces the most barriers: these are students who are struggling to access remote learning resulting in fewer comments from teachers. endstream endobj 24 0 obj <>stream 0000002240 00000 n Teachers are asked to input comments on a weekly basis by SLT. <>>> Year 6 - Mrs Clarke & Mr Harris Year 5 - Miss Stowell Year 4 - Mr Wishart Year 3 - Miss Murphy Year 2 - Mr Aston Year 1 - Miss Robertson Reception - Miss Wright .
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