Note: soft tissue injuries eg: ankle sprains are not accepted, Wednesday & Thursday 9.00am to 11.00am only, Investigation of headache - lumber puncture, No Orthopaedic consultant or registrar on site, Orthopaedics available for advice and admission of non-operative cases, Major Orthopaedic trauma or if requiring surgery urgently is to bypass Armidale, Pelvic stabilisation (beyond emergency external fixation), Injuries of hand involving flexor tendons (referred to JHH), Cauda equina (available for advice, however needs tertiary centre), Limb ulcers with impaired vascular supply, IPTAAS (Isolated Patients Accommodation and Assistance Scheme), General access to information regarding your illness. Hospital General Social Worker. Your help to ensure patients accessing the service have clear and accurate expectations will be much appreciated. At the current time we ask that you do not bring anyone to a face to face appointment to support safe physical distancing. A number of car parking spaces closest to the hospital entrance have been reserved for dialysis patients, ACROD permit holders, police and some visiting medical practitioners. Referrals are sent to the Central Referral Service of WA via: Healthlink secure messaging:crefserv We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW, and acknowledge their continued PO Box 3462 Post: Armadale Hospital is amid a baby boom with near record numbers of babies being born every month. Changes to visiting arrangements In May the team delivered over 240 babies with fantastic consumer feedback and clinical outcomes. In my experience, she had great skill, was thorough in her approach and so respectful. Social Workers are skilled professionals who work as part of your team. It is very clear from your feedback that they all strive to embody the values held by our organisation. You will receive a SMS notification the day prior to your appointment if you are required to have a RAT, and you will complete the RAT on arrival to the hospital. Gynaecology Our dedicated team of gynaecologists works in partnership with nursing and theatre staff to deliver quality care to women at Armadale Health Service. For more information on how your practice can be involved please contact: EMHS, Planning Innovation & Commissioning at, Admissions are open between 8am and 5pm 24 hour Emergency Department. 6070 - 6074. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()), Preventing Infections in Our Health Service, Accessing Records via Freedom of Information, Accessing Records via the Mental Health Act, Graduate Programs for Nurses and Midwives. We treat more than 28,000 outpatients each year and run a variety of outpatient clinics to provide ongoing care and treatment for patients. For example: endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, female sterilisation and cervical cancer. History of symptoms if present post-coital bleeding, blood-stained discharge, unexplained intermenstrual bleeding, post-menopausal bleeding. Our hospitals with maternity services are Armadale Health Service, Bentley Health Service and St John of God Midland Public Hospital. PH:67769683, This position provides service to both inpatients and outpatients who are renal patients requiring Dialysis. colposcopy and LLETZ procedures (mostly done in operating theatres) intrauterine (IUD) insertion. 3056 Albany Highway, Mount Nasura WA 6112, Brought to you by the Department of Health, Western Australia, Government of Western Australia 2018 to To help you make the right decisions about your health care, there are a number of useful questions (PDF 530KB)to ask at your medical appointment. Contact the On Call Gynaecology Registrar (or Consultant if a complex case) on (08)64582222 to discuss urgent cases needing review within seven days. Visit the Transport pagefor more information. Outpatient appointments are made after a referral from your General Practitioner (GP) , Emergency Department or Hospital Ward is accepted by the Outpatient Specialist. "The development of a dedicated paediatric patient treatment area will make a real difference to families presenting to Armadale Hospital, and enable children to be treated in a purpose-built area, separate to the adults. connection to their country and culture. Visit the Armadale Hospital website for more information. Tell us what was good and what could be improved, say thanks or call for change For days and times please contact the hospital on (08) 9462 4000. Featured practitioners based on your search Dr Preethi Nagubandi Show profile Gynaecologist Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist WNHS offers a comprehensive diagnostic, treatment and management service for women with an abnormal cervical screening test result, a co-test result requiring further investigation or abnormal vaginal bleeding requiring colposcopy. The hospital also offers a range of support services for women including: Postnatal care is provided on the ward and at home for those women within the catchment area through the Home Visiting Midwifery Service. East Metropolitan Health Service has a range of maternity services that offer you and your family amazing care. For more information, visit the Armadale Health Service website. Copyright 2005 - 2019, CardioClinic Kln Krankenhausbetriebsgesellschaft mbH, Dreifaltigkeits-Krankenhaus Kln-Braunsfeld, Kliniken der Stadt Kln Krankenhaus Holweide, Kliniken der Stadt Kln Krankenhaus Merheim, NTC - Neurologisches Therapiecentrum Kln, RehaNova Neurologische/Neurochirugische Rehabilitationsklinik Kln GmbH, Tagesklinik in Verbindung mit Hernienzentrum Kln, Zahnrtzliche Gemeinschaftspraxis Dr. med. The campus also includes Armadale's Community Health Service, Mental Health Service, and Aged Care and Rehabilitation Service. Armadale Hospital is amid a baby boom with near record numbers of babies being born every month. Buses servicing this stop include: You are welcome to wait for taxi or arrive via taxi outside the main entrance of the hospital. 6167 - 6176. Rockingham General Hospital (external site) Phone: 9599 4000. Please be aware that wait times for outpatient appointments can vary due to emergencies and urgent care. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()), Accessing Records via Freedom of Information, Accessing Records via the Mental Health Act, Preventing Infections in Our Health Service, Research Ethics and Governance Submissions, Royal Perth Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee, Research Education, Training and Seminars, Armadale Health Service Maternity webpage, St John of God Midland Public Hospital website, specialist obstetric clinics for moderate to high risk women, Midwifery Group Practice (care by a known midwife). AHS is part of the Armadale Kalamunda Group along with Kalamunda Hospital. The hospital, which includes an emergency department with 47 patient spaces, is located on the Armadale Health Service campus. The Department for Reproductive Medicine,led by Prof. Dr Dominic Stoop, is a division of the Women's clinic at the Ghent University Hospital, led by Prof. Dr Steven Weyers. Central Referral Service Armadale Health Service in Mount Nasura, 6112, offers the following services - Orthopaedic service, Obstetrics and gynaecology service, Hospital pharmacy service, Child and adolescent mental health service, Cardiology service. The Department for Reproductive Medicine, led by Prof. Dr Dominic Stoop, is a division of the Women's clinic at the Ghent University Hospital, led by Prof. Dr Steven Weyers.. Research activities of the Department of Reproductive Medicine are performed in collaboration with the Ghent Fertility and Stem Cell Team (G-FaST), coordinated by p rof. King Edward Memorial Hospital - Obstetrics and Gynaecology Guidelines Home For Health Professionals Clinical Guidelines Obstetrics and Gynaecology Guidelines All guidelines must be read in conjunction with the Disclaimer. Referrals using GP software that include all the relevant history and information are also welcome usingCRS referral form templates (external site). Healthcare is available to all patients regardless of vaccination status. Strategies to more efficiently manage patients with chronic conditions between hospital and primary care by leveraging community-based disease-specific services, e.g., Silver Chain COPD Program. Free 2-hour and 4-hour parking is available at the front of the hospital (via the Albany Highway entrance) for patients and visitors. All booked maternity patients have been transferred to either Armadale Hospital or King Edward Memorial Hospital, and all gynaecology patients to King Edward Memorial Hospital. Please call for further information PH:67769896. Currently we are not able to allocate female or male consultants to particular patients on request. Midland WA 6056. New and Updated Guidelines (PDF) Although the initial consultation may result in a cost to the patient, required surgery can be carried out at Armadale Hospital as a public patient at no cost to them unless they request otherwise. It is very clear from your feedback that they all strive to embody the values held by our organisation. East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS) continues to review our response to the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation. In . Please arrive 10 minutes before the tour starts. To truly develop patient centred care, the Healthcare To Community Team will be facilitating case conferencing from an outpatient setting which aims to improve the communication between Armadale Health Service and local general practice by providing a multidisciplinary clinical handover of the patient when transitioning from hospital to primary care. St John of God Midland Public Hospital. Everyone in our Obstetrics and Gynaecology team work hard to deliver safe, caring and patient-centred care. Fax:1300 365 056 If your clinical condition changes while you are waiting for an appointment at Armadale Health Service, contact your GP to provide the hospital with additional information or escalate your care. As a general hospital located 34km south-east of the Perth CBD, AHS has a capacity of up to 290 beds and offers a range of medical specialities including 24 hour emergency services, intensive care, general medicine and surgery, mental health, maternity and paediatric care. Patients may also be seen for continuing care after being discharged from hospital. The Armadale Hospital, is one of WA's leading general hospitals delivering quality health care to the community. Gynaecologists in Armadale WA 6112 Telehealth Select health fund Your treatment costs may be reduced when the practitioner participates in a health fund member arrangement. Meeting a helpful person at the door who directed me where to go and a professional and friendly receptionist at the desk helped me feel at ease. Allied Health 9391 2219 (Social work, Speech, OT, Dietetics,), Gynaecology & Obstetrics 9391 2906/ 9391 1150, Mental Health Eudoria Street Centre 9398 6600, Midwifery Group Practice contact your midwife, Your appointment letter or access to the appointment information within the Manage My Care app, healthcare card, pension card, safety net record, a list of current medications (including creams, eye drops and over the counter medications). Armadale Health Service - Outpatients Home Patients and Visitors Outpatients We treat more than 28,000 outpatients each year and run a variety of outpatient clinics to provide ongoing care and treatment for patients. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()), Preventing Infections in Our Health Service, Accessing Records via Freedom of Information, Accessing Records via the Mental Health Act, Graduate Programs for Nurses and Midwives, Department of Health's Central Referral Service (external site), colposcopy and LLETZ procedures (mostly done in operating theatres), advanced laparoscopic surgery including total laparoscopic hysterectomy, subtotal hysterectomy, vaginal hysterectomy, laparoscopic removal of fibroids and treatment of endometriosis, Prolapse surgery including pelvic floor repair, sacro-spinous fixation, Incontinence surgery including TVT-O, TVT, Miniarc, Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomies, oophrectomies, ovarian drilling, Lararoscopic ectopic pregnancy maangement, Sterilisation both laparoscopic and hysteroscopic (Essure). Use this checklistto see if a phone or video appointment is suitable for you. "The Armadale Hospital ED reconfiguration will help with patient flow and getting people care quickly as possible. visibility, This means that some features of Care Opinion won't work, We recommend you enable JavaScript in your browser and then. Brought to you by the Department of Health, Western Australia, Government of Western Australia 2018 to Investigation following abnormal cervical screening testing (CST) result requiring colposcopy as indicated in National Cervical Cancer Screening guidelines. 48 Obstetrician Gynaecologist found in Armadale. Antenatal screening and diagnostic services Antenatal education sessions Delivery at Rockingham General Hospital Breast-feeding clinics Newborn checks and weighing up . All referrals from GPs to this clinic are sent to the Central Referral Service WA (CRS). visibility, Armadale Hospital / Obstetrics & Gynaecology Outpatient Clinic, diethylstilboestrol (des) exposure inutero, This means that some features of Care Opinion won't work, We recommend you enable JavaScript in your browser and then. Email: document.write(new Date().getFullYear()), Pastoral care, spiritual care and chaplain, Pelvic mesh (transvaginal mesh) telephone line, Sexual assault, rape, consent and the law, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Medication Guidelines, Department of Nursing and Midwifery Education and Research, Guidance material and resources for clinicians, Health professionals about to see a patient following a sexual assault, Working at the Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC), Statewide Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Program, Symptomatic Women, when to order a co-test (external site), Investigation of Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Flowchart (PDF), National Cervical Screening Programme website (external site), CRS referral form templates (external site). As a general hospital located 34km south-east of the Perth CBD, Armadale Health Service has a capacity of up to 290 beds and offers a range of medical specialties - many provided at a higher level. Monday to Friday (except public holidays), Brought to you by the Department of Health, Western Australia, Government of Western Australia 2018 to We pay our respect to them and their cultures and to Elders both past and present. Armadale Health Service - Visiting Times Home Patients and Visitors Coming to Hospital Visiting Times From Monday, 15 August 2022, the visiting hours will change to: 8am to 1pm 3pm to 8pm for mental health only - 8am to 8pm seven days per week. Additional information is available for health professionals seeking more information about outpatient referrals at Armadale Health Service. Postal address:GPO Box 2566, Perth WA 6831, Australian National Cervical Screening Program guidelines (external site), Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause, Elizabeth Farrell (external site), PRODA (Provider Digital Access) - Services Australia (external site), WA Cervical Cancer Prevention Program (external site), Brought to you by the Department of Health, Western Australia, Government of Western Australia 2018 to As a general hospital located 34km south-east of the Perth CBD, Armadale Health Service has a capacity of up to 290 beds and offers a range of medical specialities - many provided at a higher level. Within this research group, we focus on the following lines of research: Home Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. As a general hospital, AHS offers a range of medical specialities and is focused on providing high quality general medical, surgical and mental health services. Address: 3056 Albany Highway, Mount Nasura WA 6112. If any of your contact details have changed (address, telephone number), advise clinic staff. Diane Barr, Executive Director, Armadale Kalamunda Group nearly 2 years ago. High risk cases are ideally triaged to be seen within six weeks. 9am to 3pm or call us on +617 3354 4525. Services include midwifery, obstetric, neonatal care, mental health care and postnatal care. Research (CHSR), University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany. St John of God Midland Public Hospital's range of maternity services offer you and your family exceptional care from pregnancy to birth and into the early parenting of your precious new baby. My daily tasks include strategic sales as well as training, education and case support of health care professionals in Urology, Gynecology, Thoracic, Upper GI, General -and Colorectal Surgery. Current bus and train timetables can be obtained from the Transperth Infoline on 13 62 13 or by visiting the Transperth website (external site). A current GP referral letter is required for all medical specialist clinics. An essential carer will need to show proof of vaccination and if you require a rapid antigen test for your appointment, they will also require the test. Visit the Armadale Health Service Maternity webpage or contact the hospital on (08) 9391 2000. If you need to call for a taxi, public telephones are located near the hospitals main reception. Thank you for taking the time to provide this lovely feedback following your recent visit to the Armadale Health Service (AHS) Outpatient Clinic. Most outpatients receive a letter in the mail detailing their appointment approximately a month before the appointment. For more information please visit the St John of God Midland Public Hospital website, call (08) 9462 4000 or email 6112, Posted by Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. All emergency presentations for management, stabilisation and/or transfer to definitive care. If you have an outpatient appointment, whether in person or virtual, make sure you bring or have ready the following: Always keep your contact and General Practitioner (GP) details up to date by advising the clerical staff. geminirw68 Or oestradiol pessary (Vagifem low) use nightly for two weeks PV and then three times a week thereafter. Please note: vaccination restrictions do not apply to patients accessing the hospital for treatment. day medical procedures fiona stanley hospital. Visit the King Edward Memorial Hospital website for more information. The Armadale Health Service (AHS), which incorporates Armadale Hospital and Armadale Mental Health Service, is one of Australias leading public hospitals delivering quality health care to the community. If they would normally attend your appointments, we would encourage you to ask them to be with you for telephone or telehealth appointments. Hospital Liaison GP Patients are welcome to bring one carer or family member with them to their appointment. The service is focused on delivering patient-centred, individualised care to support patients to manage their complex conditions. PH:677669670. For further information, contact GP Liaison Dr Stuart Burton on the number below. Easily see your outpatient appointments and referrals 24/7. No booking is required. All urgent referrals should be faxed to us on 9391 2558. A 15-minute parking time limit applies for these areas. Preparation for labour/birth and parenting, Assessment & referral to address identified individual needs, Stabilisation and treatment of mental ill health, Note: soft tissue injuries (e.g. To help you find your way around AHS, including the locations of wards and departments, download a copy of the campus map (PDF 234KB). Increased knowledge and skills to conduct case conferencing which includes MBS claimable items. New. If you were booked to attend Bentley Hospital, staff will be in touch as soon as possible to book your next appointment at the new locations. Please bring your hand-held medical record along to your next appointment. Please discuss with your health professional if you would like to have a Digital/Telehealth appointment. Armadale area community health services, and some private clinics are also operated within the hospital site: All departments can be contacted during business hours. Outpatient clinics operate to provide healthcare to patients who require an treatment, but do not need to stay in hospital. This research group focuses on infertile couples who cannot be helped with currently available Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART). Your carer can join in an appointment from outside the hospital using a video or phone call, please let us know if you would us to do this for you and your carer. Read more below in Is a phone or video outpatient appointment suitable for you?. 100 Barry Marshall Parade, Murdoch, WA The practice will contact you to schedule your appointment Book Now Specialist obstetric cover is available 24-hours a day if your pregnancy is considered increased risk. Armadale Health Service provides maternity care to women living within the following postcodes: Services at Armadale Health Service include: Tours of delivery rooms and maternity wards are held every Saturday at 5pm. Who has Care Opinion told about this story? Outpatient appointment information is then posted to patients. Tell us what was good and what could be improved, say thanks or call for change In May the team delivered over 240 babies with fantastic consumer feedback and clinical outcomes. Armadale Health Service Please refer to National Cervical Screening Programme website (external site). document.write(new Date().getFullYear()), Accessing Records via Freedom of Information, Accessing Records via the Mental Health Act, Preventing Infections in Our Health Service, Research Ethics and Governance Submissions, Royal Perth Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee, Research Education, Training and Seminars, 220 (via Wellington Street Bus Station, Armadale and Kelmscott train stations). To reschedule or cancel an appointment, please contact the clinic as soon as possible. Patients and referrers will be contacted when an appointment is made/changed. Access information about your appointment. nitially there will be two clinics per week, catering for pregnancies from 13 weeks and six days.. Armadale Hospital is a general public hospital in Armadale, in Perth 's south-eastern suburbs. Tel:1300 551 142 6068 - 6069. Listed next of kin and/or preferred contact are also able to view and manage your outpatient appointments through Manage My Care if you give them permission to do so. More information is available on the Choosing Wisely webpage. Avaya Workplace is used to facilitate group consultations. Brought to you by the Department of Health, Western Australia, Government of Western Australia 2018 to If you would like a carer or family member to be able to speak with us on your behalf, please ensure that their details are listed as next of kin and/or preferred contact. Have you experienced something like geminirw68 did, here or elsewhere? Manage My Care APP (external site) gives you and those you care for access to outpatient appointment and referral information than ever before. Ensure you provide the relevant information in the referral to enable appropriate triage, including required investigation results and letters from treating medical practitioners if relevant and request colposcopy clinic at WNHS. Train stations near the hospital include Armadale, Challis, Sherwood and Kelmscott. Patients attending our hospital or other services on-site can be dropped off and picked up at any of the four entrances to the main building. 13369) is located at the main entrance of AHS. The Hospital Social Worker is available for all patients in Armidale Hospital. Manage My Care can be downloaded as a free app from the Apple Store or Google Play, or by visiting HealthyWA (external site). Visit Servicesto view all the specialties available at Armadale Health Service and how to refer to us. It may take up to a week after the referral has been sent to appear in the APP. Research activities of the Department of Reproductive Medicine are performed in collaboration with the Ghent Fertility and Stem Cell Team (G-FaST), coordinated byprof. dr.Bjrn Heindryckxen dr.Annekatrien Boel. REACH Patient and Family Activated Escalation, Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Patient, Hunter New England Training in Psychiatry (HNET), Diverticulitis / ABS (Acute Bowel Syndrome), AcuteMusculoskeletal Fractures - Upper and lower limb fractures, AcuteMusculoskeletal Fractures - Pelvic fractures, AcuteMusculoskeletal Fractures - Paediatric, AcuteMusculoskeletal Fractures - Non-operative spinal fractures, Washout/debridement (open and arthroscopic), Tendon/ligament repair (excluding hand flexors), Muscuoloskeletal infections/wounds - Septic arthritis/Bursitis, Muscuoloskeletal infections/wounds - Sheath infections, Muscuoloskeletal infections/wounds - Diabetic foot ulcers (normal vascular supply), Soft tissue release (eg. In more recent years she has been a Consultant at Armadale Health Service, with 2 years as head of department. Kind regards Di Barr Executive Director The hospital delivers more than 2,000 babies each year through the Maud Bellas maternity unit. Women with an obvious clinical cancer of vulva, vagina or cervix should be referred urgently following discussion with the On Call Gynaecologic Oncology Fellow or Consultant on. Non-urgent cases may have to wait up to 12 months for an appointment. More specialised clinics are being conducted via Telehealth.. For all other general enquiries please call Armadale Health Service on 9391 2000. 6165. Hospital services Gynaecology The following standard clinical definition applies to Gold, Silver, Bronze and Basic hospital covers: Hospital treatment for the investigation and treatment of the female reproductive system. For further information and the new flowchart (PDF) to guide management of these results. Debi has worked with Catarina for over 7 years and has overseen the rapid expansion of MIGYNAE with its group of dedicated and passionate doctors. Our hospitals with maternity services are Armadale Health Service, Bentley Health Service and St John of God Midland Public Hospital. If you have a life-threatening medical condition, call 000 and request an ambulance. ankle sprains) are not accepted, Manages the daily operations of the social work department, The ALO is employed to ensure that any person who identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) is able to access culturally appropriate care whilst in hospital, This service is available Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.00pm. Armidale Specialist Outpatient clinics are conducted from the Ambulatory Care building located on Rusden Street. Visit If the appointment has changed or is scheduled in a shorter time frame, you may receive a phone call or text message from us. A Transperth bus stop (no. Telehealth video or phone appointments are beneficial for patients who are looking to save time, travel and costs. Armadale History of CST and pap smears and copies of results (available via. Feedback from sunmh88 about Armadale Hospital / Emergency Department, Fiona Stanley Hospital / Antenatal Clinic, Birth Suite, Maternal Fetal Assessment Unit, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit, Wards 3B, 3C, 3D, 3DO, Visiting Midwife Service (Purple), High This can be updated by speaking to clerical staff at your appointment. Referrals can be emailed to or faxed to 9391 2558. (as a service user), The team of experienced caregivers are dedicated to providing the highest level of care to women and their families. There are a number of transportation options available when visiting Armadale Health Service, including public transport and free parking options. AHS has a number of amenities and facilities for patients and visitors to help make your stay or visit more pleasurable. Also keep your General Practitioner (GP) details up to date by advising clerical staff. Visiting hours on the maternity ward are: Organised tours of the maternity unit are held every week, starting from the therapy room. For information about your appointment you can use Manage My Care APP (external site) at any time. Only essential carers are permitted to attend the outpatient appointment with you. Armadale Hospital / Obstetrics & Gynaecology Outpatient Clinic It is important to keep your contact details up to date as most appointment notifications will be sent in the mail or you may receive a phone call or text message to your mobile telephone.
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